Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This June Pet?


Which happy hoofed pet could this be?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early June to find the answer!


85 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This June Pet?

  1. winterwarriorwolf says:

    I hope its some type of horse!! :D

  2. Ilovepiggies297 says:

    Maby a chayote.

  3. twinners1 says:

    OOH! i know! Its a deer! the question is what kind. well i think first ill just tell you how i know its a deer i know this because the first picture is its eye the picture beside it is its ear (i know its a deers ear because of how its shaped.) the picture underneath the first one may be its small tail and the last one is its fur. now because its a deer and is brown but has a sparkly tail it sounds like it is called a sparkles fawn or maybe… i just don’t know!

  4. 7debbie7 says:

    looking like a Clydesdale Horse to me.

  5. FoxesRule612 says:

    A horse!!!! Finally something other than a dog!!! =^^=

  6. migrubbs says:

    Hope it’s an American Bighorn Sheep. It was one of my ideas for new pets.

  7. annietherat says:

    A deerish type animal?

  8. AmericanCivilWar1861 says:

    I hope it’s a horse!!! :D

  9. bullseyejingles444 says:

    IS IT A PIG???

    • bullseyejingles444 says:

      No, wait that snout could easily be a horse (looking up from below). The really only useful picture in guessing this pet is the top right one. :P

  10. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    Ooh, I hope it’s a caribou. Yeah, that’s it! A Cheerful Caribou! XD

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