Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This June Pet?


Which happy hoofed pet could this be?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early June to find the answer!


85 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This June Pet?

  1. prettydog123 says:

    I’m voting mule. that would be so cute!

  2. Spiderhulkman says:

    Bat! Ok, I know it’s not, but….lol.

  3. ChristianCowgirl123 says:

    it’s a mule!!!!!!! I just love mules!

  4. FennecFox says:

    Baby bison! Yeah…. baby bison. Cuttee. XD

  5. Dolphinlover55 says:

    It has to be a horse! It totally looks like a horse:)

  6. ilovemoonie says:

    Ooh, I really hope it’s a horse!!! Maybe a Shetland pony! :D

  7. NMKID4527 says:

    This kind of reminds me of a Guinea pig but that doesn’t sound quite righ based off of the picture in the top right. That picture makes me think of a Guinea pig’s muzzle but it looks like this pet’s behind. The contrast in colors is getting me excited too! It looks like there’s a fur texture change in the bottom left picture compared to the other pictures so now I’m starting to second guess myself about it being a Guinea pig. This already looks like a cute pet though! I can’t wait to see its unboxing video!

  8. webkinzrocker1 says:

    I think it is a horse.

  9. rippy6 says:

    Ooh, maybe it’s a new horse! We haven’t had a horse in what feels like forever!

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Hm…. I’m guessing it’s either a horse or a donkey

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