Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?


Can you guess which scruffy sweetheart this is?



Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early May to find the answer!


82 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?

  1. Jaredkinz says:

    Ooo, reminds me of the sugar puppy or oatmeal puppy again. I wonder what it could be.

  2. 7debbie7 says:

    Maybe a Jack Russell Terrier?

  3. moonkinzofficial says:

    Looks like another dog breed maybe?

  4. dixiecup says:

    It’s a dog, for sure. Would it be a loveable mutt?

  5. kandykinz says:

    I am guessing it is a new dog that I am going to have to have!

  6. bluenightkitty says:

    Aww! It looks super cute! My initial guess would be some kind of fox, but maybe it’s a red panda or a certain dog breed? Can’t wait to see it’s unboxing video!

  7. Beckinz8 says:

    Scruffy…hmmmmm…possibly a dog, but I really can’t tell from the pictures. It’s coloring reminds me of a guinea pig I used to have. I look forward to having a good look next week!

  8. lazygal says:

    This could be another dog since dogs are known as a sweetheart.

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