Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?


Can you guess which scruffy sweetheart this is?



Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early May to find the answer!


82 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?

  1. twinners1 says:

    A dog, with ears that go up, not down.

  2. webkinz04 says:

    For sure a dog!

  3. bubbashuka says:

    ANOTHER dog. AGAIN! I hope it’s not though!! :D

  4. cottoncandykayla says:

    It’s probably a bear of a very fluffy bunny or fox.

  5. gmatiny says:

    “SCRUFFY PUPPY” Penny Opera tiny gma is ny grandma and I am named after her !! Thanks for noticeing !!

    • PennyOpera says:

      Yup! I caught that :) so, she’s ‘Tiny Grandma’ and that means you’re ‘Grandma’s Tiny one’ LOL sorry I got you mixed up. I’m Penny_Opera as well as PennyOpera, so I can send items to different accounts.

  6. Demongirl10 says:

    I’m guessing it’s a dog. Maybe a terrier of some kind? I’m thinking a Rough Coat Jack Russell. The colors also look like a Kromfohrlander, but I doubt that’s what it is lol.

  7. ladysparklez99 says:

    hey sally? i know the team will be removing moneyz soon, but can u make a article on when exactly it will be stopped so we can know ahead of time??

    • Karahjoy6 says:

      Their stopping moneyz?!? Why?!? I just joined on here last week and have had barely any time to earn the prizes! Please don’t stop moneyz!!

      • ninjaflowerdude says:

        I think it is a rumor. I have only seen comments speculating, and no actual updates from staff.

        • Beckinz8 says:

          Actually, there was a Webkinz Newz article titled “Changes to Webkinz Newz” (currently page 8 of Recent Newz), or here: It basically says that things are being removed, and retired, in order to streamline the sites as they prepare for all of the changes that will be necessary to keep things going after the end of Flash in 2020. They recommend spending our Moneyz at this time. I hope that you all can find and re-read the article. And remain calm. Not many people like change, but I can only imagine the flurry of activity over at the WW offices as they work feverishly to convert everything in time. Way to go team! We are all rooting for you! I trust that you have lots of new and different things planned that will fill the void of Moneyz, and I am willing to be supportive and patient to see what they are. :)

  8. ilovemoonie says:

    Hmm…I’m not sure, but I think it’s probably some sort of dog. I can’t wait to see it! :)

  9. ladysparklez99 says:

    its either a brown and white terrier puppy or a brown and white guinea pig. guinea pigs are my fav animals! i want to win the name pet contest so bad if it is a guinea pig!

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