Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?


Can you guess which scruffy sweetheart this is?



Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early May to find the answer!


82 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?

  1. hopyourbest1 says:

    It’s an Alpaca!

  2. bluecottoncandy says:

    I seriously hope that it’s not another dog. Dogs are cute but Ganz makes webkinz dog almost once a month and I’d love to see more variety.

  3. peachykinz101 says:

    Ooh I hope it’s a fox!

  4. Robofish123 says:

    So beautiful! Maybe is “Laggotto Romagnolo”

  5. migrubbs says:

    A Scruffy Puppy?

  6. gmatiny says:

    This is the new “SCRUFFY PUPPY” it is very nice !!

  7. ridzilla says:

    hopefully this is a lovable mutt in search of a good home!

  8. n9vpg says:

    a teacup cock a poo

  9. 594nat says:

    This pet is a jack russell terrier with a brown right ear and a brown patch over its left eye.

  10. silver1298 says:

    This ones kinda hard, the fur somehow looks odd. I’d say its a fox, or maybe a cat…

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