Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?


Can you guess which scruffy sweetheart this is?



Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early May to find the answer!


82 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?

  1. Kraft says:

    Going to guess a terrier. Whatever it is it looks really fluffy and I want it..(Ganz please consider shipping to the uk someday!)

  2. EmeraldCity says:

    Alpaca? Lol! Not a clue but that’s my guess. and scruffy?

  3. FluffyBunnyJr says:

    I think its a remake of the Papillon dog. I might be wrong.

  4. Austenshire says:

    “Scruffy” always makes me think of a dog because there was a dog named Scruffy on a TV show that I watched as a kid. A cute mutt would be something new. So would a peekapoo. I’m thinking this a small dog because TV Scruffy was a terrier, but maybe it’s a big one like an Irish wolfhound. Can’t wait to find out.

  5. girlsrocks11 says:

    I do not know where to post this comment, but on the free prizes, is anyone else having trouble? Mines has not let me watch anything for close to a week

    • dixiecup says:

      I don’t know if you read how the free items work. It all depends on where the advertiser is gathering information from. If you are in that trading area they will play the videos until a certain quota is met. Once they’ve gathered all they need they move on. Sometimes it can be hours between times the videos will display; other times it might be days until the advertiser chooses that area again.

  6. redscupcakegirl says:

    it could lt could also be a hamster or a fox

  7. redscupcakegirl says:

    the animal is a brown spotted puppy

  8. julieperkins says:

    This is some kind of hunting Dog.

  9. webkinz0704 says:

    pomapoo! (poodle + pomeranian = pomapoo) :)

  10. ferretfuzzbut says:

    This is off topic but I don’t know where to ask. I posted a picture at the share center last night and it said it was accepted. I have not gotten an email confirming it or saying it couldn’t be posted for some reason. How long does it take to get that email? Should I wait longer or try re-submitting it?

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