Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?


Which sleek special friend does this sniffer belong to?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early May to find the answer!


70 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This May Pet?

  1. Dragongirl258 says:

    Probably some sort of dog, wolf, husky, etc….. maybe a cat, or bear.

  2. WobbalyKitty says:

    I think it is a Silver Fox or a Winter Wolf

  3. lazygal says:

    Just because this sniffer look like a dog nose. It might be a dog or polar bear.

  4. doingmydailies says:

    Must be some sort of dog. From the question at the top about the sniffer, it must be a dog. It looks very sweet! :D

  5. Aleu15 says:

    It’s a Silver Labrador XD

  6. milkymonk7 says:

    I think it is some sort of arctic animal or a silver lab I really want it to be a husky or a silver lab

  7. 7debbie7 says:

    looks like a grey wolf pup!

  8. Sashaa911 says:

    artic fox!

  9. Cameoc101 says:

    I think it is a arctic snow bear.

  10. qeynos says:

    Maybe a silver fox?

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