Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This November Pet?


Which slinky snow pet could this be?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early November to find the answer!


73 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This November Pet?

  1. Sophie_the_awesome says:

    It’s something super cute. Cat? Fox? Pointy-eared rodent??

  2. HobbitJedi says:

    It could be a Vole

  3. jbakcs789 says:

    Herman the ermine!

  4. bee225 says:

    mouse? ferret? Hope its a ferret. Cat maybe?

  5. duckgirl1118 says:

    I can tell it’s not a fox, but it might, so lets not jinx it. It also looks like a ferret or cat.

  6. indigo11111 says:

    Possibly an artic rabbit / snowshoe rabbit.

  7. lavadragon says:

    Woah, woah okay this might just be the mustelid! I’m gonna say a Stoat c:

  8. gmatiny says:

    Ear is n=more cat or kitten or small dog possibly a snow fox ;) !!

  9. Sugarcookie9 says:

    Its a white arctic weasel or ferret. :)

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