Sneak Peek: Compete at the Farmer’s Market!


Think you can grow the biggest Competition Crops in Kinzville? Soon you can find out!


Coming soon to Webkinz Next, a new feature where you can win prizes and earn KinzCash for the Competition Crops that you grow on your Farmer’s Plot.



You probably noticed that when you place a Competition Crop in your room, it grows. Well, they don’t all grow to be the same size. Some are bigger than others and now you’ll be able to compete to see if yours is the biggest.



Competition Crops can be sold for extra Kinzcash at the Farmer’s Market on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday so make sure to participate. You have nothing to lose!



If you don’t already have a Farmer’s Plot, pick one up at the Farmer’s Market and start growing your crops today! The competition starts this Spring!




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63 Responses to Sneak Peek: Compete at the Farmer’s Market!

  1. bonesbongo says:

    Could you please explain how does the Competition Crops at the Farmers Market work? There are no guidelines of how it works and what is to be expected. I know I can view the winning crops and how to enter the crops. 1. How is it determined which crops will be judged for that day? 2. Do we need to use the same crops as the ones selected as the previous winner to be judged? 3. Do the crops only grow so big, it seems that the same weights are selected for winning crops each competition. 4. How does the judging work? Two Competition Corn selected as a winner on the same day, Competition Corn – Growing Competition Winner 1st 1420g and Competition Winner 3rd 1420g and then Competition Strawberry – Growing Competition Winner 2nd 95g. 4. How is it determined which winner gets Ribbons? There were two winners with Competition Corn on the same day both with the same weight. How do you decide which winner will get 1st place and 3rd place, when both players were using the same crop with the same weight. 5. How do you select which crop will be judged is it by the crop or by the weight? I have seen large crops (PUMPKIN) being awarded a 3rd place win and then a (STRAWBERRY) wins 1st place.

  2. kiwikat says:

    Ohh that’s why I can never enter my veggies…im supposed to grow them in my room??? How come I didn’t know this??? So I buy from market drop them inside not outside then wait til it’s grown, harvest and then enter at farmers market? Please someone let me know tnt3636 thank you!

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Add ground crops to your Farmer’s Plot. The Farmer’s Plot goes into the yard of your house. Only ground crops harvested from the Farmer’s Plot have a chance to make a competition crop.

      • kiwikat says:

        I just harvested everything from my plot and when I go to the table to enter it doesn’t show anything in my dock to enter anything also the enter crops button is see through…

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          You only have a chance to harvest a competition crop — it’s not guaranteed. A competition crop is a decoration that you can put in your house — most of the time, you’ll harvest regular food crops, which cannot be entered into the competition.

  3. Zooooooz says:

    Hm. The competition crops in my room shrunk after update. Only some pumpkins survived — they are still the blue-ribbon size they grew to when I placed them. But my prize strawberries and onion are now TINY! I realize that each veggie “grows” to a certain (sometimes small) size when placed, but they should not get smaller. :(

  4. EgK says:

    I’m really looking forward to this! When exactly will it be coming? Does it have a precise date?

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