Sneak Peek: Compete at the Farmer’s Market!


Think you can grow the biggest Competition Crops in Kinzville? Soon you can find out!


Coming soon to Webkinz Next, a new feature where you can win prizes and earn KinzCash for the Competition Crops that you grow on your Farmer’s Plot.



You probably noticed that when you place a Competition Crop in your room, it grows. Well, they don’t all grow to be the same size. Some are bigger than others and now you’ll be able to compete to see if yours is the biggest.



Competition Crops can be sold for extra Kinzcash at the Farmer’s Market on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday so make sure to participate. You have nothing to lose!



If you don’t already have a Farmer’s Plot, pick one up at the Farmer’s Market and start growing your crops today! The competition starts this Spring!




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63 Responses to Sneak Peek: Compete at the Farmer’s Market!

  1. Rachelgirl says:

    Yay, now we know what we can do with the competition crops. Doesn’t make sense to try with the very small ones though.

  2. crystalfawns53 says:

    I think it is great that we are competing against each other, but what I don’t understand is why we cannot have our crops returned to us if we don’t win. We are competing against so many people and it would be really sad if we lose the leaderboard by potentially 1 cm. Is it possible that this feature could get changed to let people have the option to sell their crop upon submission, but if they choose not to sell it, to have their crop returned to them, but ban that competition crop from being submitted again? I really love all of the competition crops that I have harvested and it would make me really sad to let go of them. I think this could encourage more competition and make people feel more comfortable putting in their crop knowing that they will not lose it forever.

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      When it comes to banning that competition crop, I mean the specific item they submitted. I just think that this will help encourage more participation while keeping things fair for each competition.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      I can pass your suggestion on, but I would really recommend not submitting any competition crops you’d rather keep. You’re under no obligation to do so, but if you want a chance to win the ribbon, you’ll have to treat your competition crop as the price of entry.

  3. kandykinz says:

    I do wonder about the small competition crops though. Will they be worth entering since they are so small?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      You get 50KC regardless of the size, so if you’re looking to sell them, this is how you do it. Otherwise, feel free to keep them as decorations :)

  4. kandykinz says:

    This will be an awesome feature! I have about 15 competition crops… they are definitely hard to come by. I have one pumpkin that is the biggest one. I am happy we will be able to sell them and have something to do with them too!

  5. bkbauer says:

    Will we know if we win immediately? Who exactly are we competing against? The whole Webkinz Next community?

  6. Puppy789 says:

    Wow! This sounds like fun! Just one question. How do you get a competition crop? I don’t think I have any. Please answer this question!

  7. bonesbongo says:

    Looking forward to compete at the Farmer’s Market, I have 19 crops ready to go.

  8. sweetiepiesix says:

    Thank you I will try that.

  9. Flower88910 says:

    Oh good! I want to get rid of the competition crops I have

  10. duckess1 says:

    I don’t remember this ever being explained. So, I’ve been living with 12 plants since the plot first came out. Sometimes the things we get should have more explanation. The Diners Game is another hard to play. Points just go where they want. Only play it if it is a challenge item. Are clear instructions not necessary? Just trial and error? I sorry, it just makes me grumpy not knowing the details.

    • Nickelcat says:

      Duckess 1, Podkinz #161 explains how to play Diner Dice. It is very helpful!

    • kvtie says:

      When you click a game in the arcade there is a short description of the game’s instructions. For Diner Dice the description says “Roll the dice, keep the ones you want and roll again to make the best sets, Lock in your scores on the menu. Get as many 5-of-a-kind Specials as you can!” Each food item is worth a different amount of points! Each mug is worth 2 points, the salad, burger and spaghetti are worth 4 points each, and the ice cream is worth 7 points. The points don’t just go where they want, you have to “lock in” the best scores you can! I hope this helps!

      • Nickelcat says:

        In addition, try to fill the categories that are marked with a green star; when you do, you are awarded 5 bonus points in addition to what the dice add up to. If you can fill multiple categories this way, the extra points really add up. Also, if you get 5 of a kind, you can fill the “special” category multiple times as well. Good luck!

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