Sneak Peek: Fall Fest 2022!



Look for fall leaves floating across your screen during Fall Fest, and click on them to win prizes! This year’s event runs from September 19 – 30, so play every day for the chance to collect as many prizes as you can (limited to 5 prizes a day for free players, 6 for full and 7 for Deluxe).


Here’s a look at this year’s prizes, including a robe and towel wrap, which would be perfect for your pet to wear for a visit to the Kinzville Spa:



If you want the chance to catch Fall Fest leaves while you are playing at the Webkinz Classic Arcade, open and close the WShop while you are at the Arcade, and you’ll start seeing them while you play games!


You’ll also be able to buy bottles of 2022 Fall Fest Soda from the WShop for eStore Points. You’ll find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop, starting September 19.



Every time you feed your pet a bottle of Fall Fest Soda, you’ll win a prize! You’ll also have the chance to win this year’s grand prize: A Kinzville Spa building:



Which prize would you like to win the most? Let us know in the comment section below…


47 Responses to Sneak Peek: Fall Fest 2022!

  1. Queencows says:

    I love these prizes.

  2. j9e9n9n9y9 says:

    OOOOOH! I Love that wooden furniture! :)

  3. Pineapple6 says:

    I love that bird house! Can’t wait!

  4. monsterhighrules323 says:

    I don’t ever buy soda bottles but I sure LOVE those seeds!!! Blackberry and kale seeds are so neat!

  5. treeflower says:

    I got cantaloupe seeds in my bottle, but I really like corner bookcase or the leaf chair

  6. Wingsfan65 says:

    Oh my gosh–are those all new prizes?? They look great! Thanks in advance, Webkinz :)

  7. bocquet says:

    love the house with the matching bird house

  8. ALI4499 says:

    Excited for the new fall furniture!! Man I wish those new seeds were in the floating pool instead of the sodas (and most of the others, but…y’know)

  9. ynchka says:

    can’t wait for new seeds :)

  10. Alexandrite_Ledger says:

    Ooohhh, BLACKBERRY SEEDS!! drat, why are they for the pops? >=\ I love that little corner bookshelf & that bunny picture, too! Also, is that an actual face mask thing?? =O The tables & horse are cute too, lol

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