The February WShop Challenge starts on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, and players who complete all 3 tasks will receive a Sweetheart Bouquet, along with a NEW Funky Girl Bunk Bed!
Click on the February WShop Challenge icon in your pet’s room to review your tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the challenge as some tasks may take some time to complete.
The tasks in this month’s challenge include:
- Earn 100 KinzCash playing Flutterbugged at the Arcade
- Spin the Wheel of WOW 5 times at the Arcade
- But any 3 items from the Funky Girl room theme from the WShop
What is YOUR favorite Funky Girl item in Webkinz Classic? Let us know in the comments below!
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I’m terrible at flutterbugged but this bed is so cute! I guess I’ll get a lot of practice in in February
the bed is adorable <3
love that bed!
I do not like that game at all, but the prize shall be worth it!
This is a cute desirable bed but $100 playing Flutterbug is kinda excessive especially during a very busy event month like February- please have mercy on us Webbie players
@bmorrisonll – I agree! I am not a fan of “Flutterbug”, nor am I very good at it. Plus, I don’t have the time to sit and play the game just to win “100 KinzCash”. Again, there are way too many events/contests/floating things, going on each month. I have a home and a family that I have to take care of! Playing on Webkinz each day is my way to take some time and just relax and play. I think the Funky Girl bed is adorable and I would love to try and get it, but I think I’ll let just skip this contest. I know, I can spend 2000KC to skip that part of the game, but I only do that when I LOVE a prize. I wish they would have mercy on us Webbie Players, too! :-/
dedicate 40 min to playing and i bet u will get 100 kinzcash
I heartily agree with these sentiments. No time; I am really poor at playing; I simply do not like it; AND it is one of those games that playing it messes with my computer. I can play in tiny increments then must quit; log out; and sign back in. Some times have to restart my computer. I don’t know . . . We shall see. Have not even tried that game in about 9 years. Bleh ! Drats ! SIGH Oh well, at least it is not skater cat or webkinz rally. Had to get a new computer years ago from playing those two games !
I agree, it’s a lot to ask for, especially in a short and busy month. If only it had been a game where we could just kind of sit and relax play. Then I could have at least caught floaties while playing the game but this game is horribly stressful. I can’t stand playing games where I am being chased and this months has two! It’s bad enough being deluxe always feels like I am being punished, instead of rewarded by how difficult the challenges are. I usually am at least glad to see the wshop ones be fairly simple to complete. I am very disappointed in how hard they have made this one. Even half the KC would have still be a challenge but 100 is just too much.
I cant wait. I love the bed.
Absolutely Adorable…Looks Like I’ll Be Designing a New Funky Girl Room in February! Thanks Ganz.
I can’t wait to get the bunkbed.
I really like this bed! Can two pets use it?
Most of the existing bunkbeds that have two visible sleeping areas like this one does allow for two pets to sleep in them. The main exceptions are beds like the hayloft bunkbed from jumbleberry fields, which I presume was added to the game before they worked out how to accomplish true bunkbeds within the code.
Thank you for answering my question :)
No problem! :)
I’m obsessed with this. Thank you for keeping the style so consistent with the old theme!