The January WShop Challenge starts on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1ST, and players who complete all 3 tasks will receive a Countryside Christmas Woodpile, along with a NEW Winter Cabin!
Click on the January WShop Challenge icon in your pet’s room to review your tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the challenge as some tasks may take some time to complete.
The tasks in this month’s challenge include:
- Buy a Building Kit from the Fun Stuff section of the WShop
- Spin the Wheel of WOW 5 times at the Arcade
- Attempt any 5 jobs at the Employment Office
What is YOUR favorite building kit in Webkinz Classic? Let us know in the comments below!
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I love that item! I hope I can get it! This is really off topic but I have a question about the Webkinz mobile app. So I have this pet named Snowball and I was making her room this morning and something strange happened. After I was done with the room I went to name the room Snowball’s room. But when I tapped done Webkinz said Bad room name. Did I do something wrong? I’m pretty sure I can name the room Snowball’s room. I’ve named pet rooms lots of times. I really hope this is just a glitch. :(
@Puppy789 – Several years ago, I named one of my pets “Snowball”. The name Like yours, it wouldn’t allow the name “Snowball”, but it DID allow me to name my pet “Snow Ball”, two separate words, and that is what I did. BUT…when I went to name the Room, it wouldn’t take “Snowball” or “Snow BALL”, it did, however let me use “Snow Bawl” as the name! LOL! I did ask someone about it in the Forum here in Webkinz Newz, and they said something like the program for naming our pets is a different program for naming the rooms. That program has more words that are not allowed. Honestly, I don’t understand what the word “ball” is considered a “bad” word. It’s silly! Anyway, name your pet “Snowball” and name the room “Snowbawl’s Room”, or “Snow Bawl’s Room! My Snow Ball won’t mind! :-) Happy New Year to you and your new pet, Snowball! :-)
The Winterfest wallpaper is a great background for a few of these cabins,
since this is a deluxe item, I’m happy to get a chance to get, It’s a great looking cabin and wood pile,
Please see my post down below :)
Thanks, urcow you’re a great friend
Love!!!! Happy New Year!
granma4, hope you see this. I was close to the mall & swung in, I had enough points to get the gold leaf settee! I will send you a friend request if you still want it. I’d love to help you out :)
urcow Thank you so much my un is the same as here, I’ll try to friend you.
This makes me happy!
I really like the cabin, and the countryside Christmas woodpile is super cute too! :)
Oh kind of wish I did not have to buy a building kit. Have already built a lot! And most of them you cannot share or sell back. Oh well.
I agree mfaull, the cabin is nice, but, I don’t like to buy something I don’t need or want. I will start the challenge, not sure I will finish it.
This cabin already exists as a deluxe prize, but I’m happy to get more.
Yes, I thought it looked familiar – it was a deluxe prize from a few years back but I’m also glad to get another one.
Thank you, KarenaJ! I was pretty sure that I had this, but I couldn’t remember where I got it. I’m actually really excited about the wood pile. We have a wood burning stove, so we have tons of wood piles (about 5 cords of wood!), but we never decorate ours. Maybe I can talk my family into it for next year!