SNEAK PEEK: July Deluxe Challenge!


The July Deluxe Monthly Challenge starts on MONDAY, JULY 1ST, and players who complete all 3 tasks will receive a CampKinz Life Jacket for your pet to wear while swimming in their NEW CampKinz Lake!



Click on the Deluxe Challenge icon in your pet’s room to review your tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete your Deluxe Monthly Challenges as some tasks may take time to complete. This month’s tasks:


    • Earn 100 KinzCash playing Home Before Dark at the Arcade


    • Spin the Wheel of Deluxe 3 times at the Arcade


    • Ask your friends for 20 bottles of Sunscreen



Not a Deluxe Member? Join before the end of July in order to play July’s Deluxe Challenge!




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12 Responses to SNEAK PEEK: July Deluxe Challenge!

  1. caseyspacey says:

    Hi, Michael how is your day, i just send you a bottle of sunscreen.

  2. Mila14 says:

    For today’s Deluxe Wednesday, you can pick up free Sugarberry Slippers at the Ganz Estore, and don’t forget your free Free Berry a day.

  3. alucard says:

    I KNOW this is not the place to put this suggestion, but due to stormy weather my computer is really slow today. I could not get this suggestion to load in the Forum. I am going to post it here in hopes that someone from Ganz/Webkinz will read it. (Love the above July Deluxe Prize! My Thanks to all!) Here is my suggestion for next years Berry Fest. I hope it makes sense. :-) “I have a suggestion for next years Jumbleberry Fest. I LOVE this years (2024) Jumbleberry Fest! The new prizes were amazing. The ONLY complaint I have is how you continually bring back the Goo Goo and Polarberry balloons! I am REALLY tired of getting those balloons! There have been times when I have only two Goo Goo berries, for example, and when I feed them to one of my pets, I end up with TWO Goo Goo berry balloons! This also applies to the Polarberry balloons. They are cute, but I don’t need, or want, more than two balloons of each kind. I have more than I want or need! Would it be possible to bring back the “glass” presentable Goo Goo and Polarberry milkshake items? I know that there was a past Berry Fest where these were a prize. A presentable, for table top or floor, milkshakes in a milkshake glass container. (Not “real” glass of course, but they look like a milkshake you could get at a ice cream shop.) I have several of both berries and have used them in various rooms. Think, Daisy Diner, or the cafe. PLEASE consider retiring the balloons for a while, and bring back the Goo Goo and Polarberry presentable milkshake glasses. And, THANK YOU, again, for the really awesome Berry Fest this year! It was over the top amazing! Just, need to replace the balloons, if possible. Plus, there may be older Berry prizes you could bring back, so those of us who missed out on them, can have a chance to win some next year. :-)”

    • KarenaJ says:

      I would also love to see the presentable jam jars make a comeback. They change as you turn them and are absolutely adorable on each side. I am lucky enough to have one of each, Goo Goo berry and Polarberry, from when I played as a kid. Now that’s an item I could use more of, although I am SO thankful I have one of each at the very least.

    • alucard says:

      @KarenaJ: I’ve never seen, or heard of the presentable Jam Jars! I guess I miss those, as I didn’t start playing Webkinz until around 2008, or so. It would be so wonderful if Webkinz would bring back retired items! I really think it’s rather sad that so many newer players never have the opportunity to win or purchase these “retired” items. They are virtual! They can be brought back! :-(

      • caseyspacey says:

        alucard The presentable Jam Jars were from 2017 and yes it’s sad that they only appeared once in Berry Fest, so i agreed with KarenaJ that they should make a comeback. Also i think that the Sleeping Bags should make a comeback too.

  4. 7debbie7 says:

    This Is Awesome…Can’t Wait! Thanks Ganz.

  5. isnowski2 says:

    oooo I LOVE this!! Can’t wait for July!!

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