Another Deluxe Day is coming on Wednesday, July 22nd! Once again, Deluxe Members will be able to log in and visit the Today’s Activities in order to receive a special prize: a Moon Globe! Also on the Today’s Activity schedule, there will be an entire day of fun and activities for Deluxe Members to enjoy!
If you’d like to join in on the fun and prizes, have a parent visit the Ganz eStore to upgrade your account!
So my mom and I are deluxe and logged in July 22, deluxe day, but didn’t know to look in ‘today’s activities’ for our gifts so didn’t get them… bummer.
Does anyone happen to have an extra Road Trip Car? It was yesterday’s WKZ Give-Away. I missed it due to a tragic accident in the family. I also missed the Deluxe Moon Globe. Just icing on the cake! I am completely bummed! I know this is probably not the right place…but, I have know idea how to use the trading forum, etc. I WILL trade for these items. My username in WW is AmberRose361. Thanks.
I was able to see items in the room by taking them out and putting them back in the room.
Is there anyway to fix the problem of not being able to write in webkinz park and clubhouse. thank you
So cool. But, Im not deluxe… i can get it though…
The moon globe is cool!!! It’ll be nice in my science room. Go science!
I love this prize!! I wish I were deluxe so I could get it! D: Enjoy your prizes Deluxe members!