Sneak Peek: Look For The Leprechaun At Kinzville Park!


From Tuesday, March 11, to Monday, March 17, look for the Leprechaun at Kinzville Park on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App, and click on him to get a new prize every day! He will be featured in the same spot all day and won’t disappear, however his location will change each day.



There are seven different Leprechaun garden statues to collect. Here’s a look at this year’s giveaway schedule:



When you log in to your Webkinz Classic account on St. Patrick’s Day, you’ll also earn an Emerald Crown! Your crown will be automatically added to your account as soon as you log in, then head to Kinzville Park to collect your final garden statue from the Leprechaun!



Don’t forget to log in to the Webkinz Classic Desktop App every day during this event. You never know if or when these prizes will be available again.


What is your favorite St. Patrick’s Day prize from the past? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below…


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21 Responses to Sneak Peek: Look For The Leprechaun At Kinzville Park!

  1. iamawebkinzmom7 says:

    I really miss the Leprechaun popping in and out of rooms at the clubhouse. I hope we are going to get to find him there as well?

  2. hillbillymomma says:

    I love the Emerald Crown. This is going to be a fun event! Thank you!

  3. emmaswan875 says:

    Will the statues fit in toy boxes?

  4. mrgower says:

    Wow! This holiday snuck up on me! This will be fun!

  5. Bellatinkerbella says:

    I LOVE this!!! Thank you.

  6. loue354 says:

    Oh wow….Love the plushy leprechauns and the grand prize this year.

  7. equinegirl02 says:

    I love their smiles. Another topic, has anyone seen the new Art things in the Curio Shop? I have not seen any yet a month after the campaign promises!!

    • BeezKneez says:

      I saw the Wall Sconces twice last week, both times in the deluxe section. That’s all I’ve seen and yes, it’s disappointing.

      • alucard says:

        I think it’s more than disappointing. I just don’t see the “fun” in having to “hope” you go to the Curio Shop at just the “right” hour, and “hopefully” be “lucky enough” to have the KinzCash so you can buy one or more of the Art Deco items. At this rate, it will take months, or even years, to get the entire theme. So, no. This is NOT a fun way to get a new, and not “retired” room theme. This was NOT well thought out. I’m almost to the point I don’t even care if I find the items or not. Again, just where is the “fun” in collecting? :-/

    • spotsofbeauty says:

      I saw the wall sconce once last week, and I try everyday to get there during his rare item hour,

    • KayPlotts says:

      I have not seen any in Curio Shop, but I got the chair when I purchased a new pet.

  8. dramaprincess05 says:

    Has anyone sound a new Arte prize in the Curio Shop? I have not seen any. I am so disappointed. These guys are so cute, love their smiles.

    • stoneyriver11 says:

      I’ve been looking for the Art Deco a few times every day, and haven’t seen anything in the regular shopping section. I’m not a deluxe member, so I don’t look in that section. I was hoping to catch at least one of the items by now.

  9. ndtractorboy05 says:

    They are so cute. Wondering, has any one seen the new Arte prizes in the Curio Shop?

  10. 7debbie7 says:

    Love The Leprechaun Event and Thanks So Much Ganz For Keeping Lucky in the Same Spot in the Kinzville Park Everyday! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to Everyone in WW! The Leprechaun Statues Are Adorable!

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