From March 10 – 19, look for the floating Magic W on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on it to win a prize! There are ten prizes to collect, including the grand prize: a Clover Hill Hideaway!
Free players are limited to two prizes a day, full three, and Deluxe players can collect up to four prizes a day. So, play every day for the best chance to win the grand prize!
Do you already own a Clover Hill Hideaway? Let us know in the comment section below…
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Oh I hope i win the grand prize. I love the Clover Hill Hideaway. Good luck!
Has anyone found the new Arte themed stuff in the curio shop yet?
I saw the wall sconces two times last week in the Deluxe section both times.
One piece only.
i have only gotten one wall sconce since it was announced.
There have been murmurings in other platforms of the Adoption Bonus boxes giving out those rares, I have seen the Fireplace in one and the Art Deco bed, so we know it really is there, sometimes it takes a while for it to get into rotation because there are so many rares, so we have to be patient, we will see those soon enough
taking forever for them to show up. I wish they would sneak some into the rotation so we can start collecting before we give up on them.
I do not own one. I would like to know if anyone has bought a new Arte theme from the curio shop. I have not seen any yet.
dramaprincess05, So far only the scones have appeared.
Not sure what the mushroom is supposed to be, but it’s so cute
It’s a trampoline. :-)
The Clover Hill Hideaway is so cute, I really hope I can get it!
No I don’t! I’m so excited to win this prize!
What A Wonderful W Event! Great Prizes Too! Thanks Ganz.
Happy St, Patrick’s Day everyone!! This month playing the 20th anniversary days is so much fun. There is something special going on all the time. I don’t have that Clover Hill Hideaway so I sure hope I can get one. The rest of the prizes are cool too even if I already have some of them. Have fun everyone I hope you get the grand prize.
Here’s hoping you win one, too!! :) :)
Thanks, my friend I hope you win everything you want as well.
A HOBBIT HOLE OMG ——- I could not be more excited!!! This entire collection is awesome!! Can’t wait! Thank you webkinz crew