Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!



From March 10 – 19, look for the floating Magic W on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on it to win a prize! There are ten prizes to collect, including the grand prize: a Clover Hill Hideaway!



Free players are limited to two prizes a day, full three, and Deluxe players can collect up to four prizes a day. So, play every day for the best chance to win the grand prize!


Do you already own a Clover Hill Hideaway? Let us know in the comment section below…


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36 Responses to Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!

  1. loue354 says:

    Oh I hope i win the grand prize. I love the Clover Hill Hideaway. Good luck!

  2. equinegirl02 says:

    Has anyone found the new Arte themed stuff in the curio shop yet?

  3. dramaprincess05 says:

    I do not own one. I would like to know if anyone has bought a new Arte theme from the curio shop. I have not seen any yet.

  4. stinkypete says:

    Not sure what the mushroom is supposed to be, but it’s so cute

  5. hlfbkdfae says:

    The Clover Hill Hideaway is so cute, I really hope I can get it!

  6. unifreebee says:


  7. jonquilles says:

    No I don’t! I’m so excited to win this prize!

  8. 7debbie7 says:

    What A Wonderful W Event! Great Prizes Too! Thanks Ganz.

  9. granma4 says:

    Happy St, Patrick’s Day everyone!! This month playing the 20th anniversary days is so much fun. There is something special going on all the time. I don’t have that Clover Hill Hideaway so I sure hope I can get one. The rest of the prizes are cool too even if I already have some of them. Have fun everyone I hope you get the grand prize.

  10. stoneyriver11 says:

    A HOBBIT HOLE OMG ——- I could not be more excited!!! This entire collection is awesome!! Can’t wait! Thank you webkinz crew

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