Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!



From May 20 – 31, looks for a Magic W floating across your screen on your Webkinz Classic account, and click on it to earn a pack of seeds! There are sixteen different packs of seeds to collect, including the new yellow bell pepper seeds!


Here’s a look at what you can win:



You will be awarded one random pack of seeds each time you manage to click on a floating Magic W (limited to 1 a day for free players, 2 for full and 3 for Deluxe members).


Drag a pack of seeds into your pet’s room to plant them. Once it’s ready, you can click on your plant to harvest it!


Do you already own any of these seeds? Let us know in the comment section below…


44 Responses to Sneak Peek: Magic W Event!

  1. trenners says:

    im so excited I LOVE NEW SEEDS!! I already have cucumber, blueberry, hot peppers, parsnip, green apple, snow pea, and red pepper! So hopefully I get the ones I am missing!

  2. LivingAloha says:

    I love all of the seeds. Hope we can all get the new ones!!

  3. rachelgirl192 says:

    Cool, I am looking forward to this.

  4. Featherheart says:

    Oh I’m SO excited for this! I’m always looking for more growing plants!

  5. j9e9n9n9y9 says:

    Ooh! This is new and fun! Thanks! :)

  6. lavenderrose says:

    I’m so excited for the yellow peppers!

  7. bonssai says:

    SEEDS, Gardening, fresh produce!! Ahhh, time to put your farming hat on!

  8. kerowyn says:

    I’d love to land one (or more) of the new Yellow Bell Peppers. I’ve only managed to get one of the Blackberry and zero for the Blueberry (which I’d also like to get my hands on). And,….not sure but off the top of my head I don’t think I got the Cherry Tomato either. I’ve got at least a couple of the rest of them.

  9. mmroth says:

    I have them all except for the yellow bell pepper.

  10. tigres20058 says:

    I’ve missed quite a lot from inactivity, I only have one blueberry. Can’t wait to collect more!

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