Sneak Peek: May’s Flower Collection Event!


It’s almost time to start collecting Flowers from your friends! If you manage to collect all 50 Flowers by May 31st, you’ll win the Grand Prize!


Here’s how to play: From May 1st – 31st, look for the Flower Collection icon on your Kinzville Map and click on it to see your collection:



Everyday, you’ll get 1 free Flower, just for clicking on the Collection icon (Deluxe Members will get 2 free Flowers a day).



Once you have received your free Flower, you can get 5 more throughout the day by asking your friends (by clicking the ASK FRIENDS button) or by finding and clicking on the floating Flower on (make sure you collect your free one first before trying to find one on Webkinz Newz).


Need more friends to help you complete your collection? Click the ASK FRIENDS button then click the NEED MORE FRIENDS? button to see other players looking for friends and add them to your Friends List.


Here’s a closer look at each prize and how many Flowers you’ll need to collect to win each one:



Looking for that extra special piece to make the perfect floral themed room for your pets? Use your eStore points to get the Weathered Window, also available starting May 1st! You can find it in the NEW & PROMOS section of the W-Shop:





What you you think about this year’s prizes? Let us know by leaving a comment below…


117 Responses to Sneak Peek: May’s Flower Collection Event!

  1. 1955tiny says:

    From talking and watching ALYSSA is sending letter. SO FAR NO BOXES at all is there a problem ??

  2. ilovemoonie says:

    Wow, I really love these prizes! :D They’re so pretty and the colors are really nice, too! ^-^ I hope I can complete this collection a few times, at least!

  3. Rocky5465 says:

    This is one of the most beautiful collection events! I see everyone in the comments loves them! I love the outdoors and such pretty floral colors!

  4. Electra says:

    What beautifully designed prizes – thank you so much!

  5. 2WebMomz says:

    I love collection events! These are beautiful, thank you.

  6. kaye10 says:

    …these are fun…thanks!! :) -k.

  7. Nattie says:

    I really love the prizes and the colors used… just beautiful.

  8. pinkiecupcake says:

    I love the bed!!!!

  9. 1Emerald1 says:

    What a refreshing look for spring. I can’t tell you enough how much I like this set, ganz Artists!

    • EmeraldCity says:

      Me too, 1Emerald1! I want to make a guest bedroom with it. :)

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        That sounds perfect, EmeraldCity! (awesome username BTW). I’m going to make a girls’ bedroom in the British Invasion part of my house with these gorgeous pieces. I can’t wait to see how these mix up with the Bloomin’ wall paper & flooring, I think they may work well together.

        • TropicalGirl says:

          I hope you send it in to Michael for the room design videos, 1Emerald1. I would love to see it, and your rooms are always so beautifully created.

          • EmeraldCity says:

            Agreed, TropicalGirl!

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Thank you both you are so kind! ;) I’ve retired from the room design awards & haven’t sent Michael anything in awhile but but maybe I’ll put it up in the Share Center.. I want to see what you come up with as well!

        • EmeraldCity says:

          Love it!!! :D Thanks, like your username as well, lol! My WW user is emerald57, I have room for new friends if you want to request, no worries if you can’t. Thanks!

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Thanks, EmeraldCity, I checked & we are already Webkinz friends! My user is emeraldlyn. Get ready to collect flowers!

    • EmeraldCity says:

      LOL!!! :D

  10. mrgower says:

    These are the best prizes yet!

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