A new Trophy Challenge will be starting on September 2nd but don’t leave it to last minute… You’ll only have until September 4th (midnight, Eastern Standard Time) to complete it!
Here’s how to play. On September 2nd, look for the Ms. Cowoline’s Trophy Challenge icon in your pet’s room. It will be displayed along the left side of the room:
Click on the icon to review your tasks. There are 3 tasks you’ll need to complete by midnight September 4th (EST) to earn the Ms. Cowoline’s Roll Call Trophy:
- Feed your pet an Apple from the W-Shop
- Earn 120 KinzCash playing Ms. Cowoline’s Roll Call in the Games Arcade
- Attempt any job with your pet at the Employment Office

Playing this game on the Webkinz Mobile app will not count towards your Challenge. You must play Ms. Cowoline’s Roll Call in the Games Arcade on Webkinz.com to participate in this event.

Are you up for the Challenge? Please leave your comments below…
I am pretty good at this game! I hope my Chrome fixes.
This IS SO PERFECT !! It shows on OUR CLASS or Principles office that Ms Cowoline may be retired . That is why OUR pet sits in the big chair and Ms Cowoline is help in high esteem with her piers ;) BUT THANK YOU for makeing this challenge not so hard , long but truly doable .
Awesome! But uh, heheh, I’m not very good at that game… Oh, and unrelated, but I’m sorry I haven’t been on here (and on Webkinz world) as much lately! D: I’ve been really busy with my homeschool work this last week
* I meant to say ‘past week’, not ‘last week’ in my comment above. Sorry!
I Haven’t been on lately either. My Chrome is acting up. I am starting my homeschool this Wednesday :D. (sorry if this is a bit off topic)
Hey Commakinz! Long time no see, huh? Nice seeing you around here again! :) Ah yeah… I’ve been around somewhat frequently, but I’ve mainly been commenting on here once or twice a day… Which isn’t as much as I’m normally accustomed to, heheh. And really? Aw… I hope it’ll start working for you! Oh, and I hope you have a great school year when you start back up as well! ;) (and it’s alright!)
It’s okay, Taffy! I know that you’ve had your hands full with homeschool starting back up. Mine doesn’t start for another week or so, but when it does start, I’ll probably be super busy, too. I’ll miss being able to talk to you guys every day here on WKN! :(
Thanks for understanding, RosyFox! I so wish I could come on more often, but sometimes it’s tough to try and get on… Both here and Webkinz World (especially Webkinz world… I’ve only been on there a few times since I’ve started). *sighs* Ah well… Nothing I can really do about that… Well, at least I can still come on from time to time, right? And aw yeah… I’ll miss talking to you as often D: But, I totally understand.. This is a busy time of year. Oh, speaking of which, I wish you the best of luck with the school year! :)
You’re welcome, Taffy. And, yeah, at least we can all come on here when we’re not busy…which may not be all that often, but it’s something. c: And, thanks a lot, Taffy! I hope your school year is great, too! ;)
Thanks again, RosyFox! :) Ah yeah.. I wish I was able to come on here more often… But hey, at least I can still come on from time to time, right? Even though it’s not frequent posting that I’m accustomed to, heheh. And no problem! I hope your school year is fantastic!!! ;D And aw, thanks!
Good Luck in school this year Tafffy, Commakinz and Rosy!!! Hoping ya’ll have your best year yet!!!!
Thanks, 50ishwebbies! I hope that school goes really well for you, too! :D
Thanks so much, 50ishwebbies! I hope your school year is great, too! ;D
I’m homeschooled too!!
well Good Luck to you as well friend!!! <3 Thank you for the request of friendship on my account gbjockey; a gift I will cherish always!!! <3
Love Ms. Cowoline – can’t wait to win the trophy!
oh wow, no Academy class attendance for a Miss Cowoline Trophy?! Hope there is a super duper special Trophy for Graduating 100 pets at the Academy! [Have to adopt 100 pets first ;) lololol ] Good Luck with this Roll Call Challenge friends!
I didn’t know there was a reward for graduating 100 pets st the Acedemy in any of the classes . Just level 10 you choose something. I finished Speed classes to level 10 the same day or day befor Wacky fest but got nothing for level 10 on the 5 or 6 pets that earned it that day . So I havent been playing there much anymore. I wanted wings ;) But good luck to you and all.
lolol ~ I’m HOPING tinygma ;) I thought that there would be for graduating 50 pets, but there was nothing… so I’m hoping for the next milestone of 100 Graduates there may be a special Badge OR Trophy?!. Congratulations on finishing your Speed Class; that is quite an accomplishment!
I know but we try . It helps to hold mouse close to center of the dial as we spin it when pet is on treadmill ;) . I read this trick on web and it has worked for me every time . Yes it still misses on occasion but it makes getting to the end easier. Keep mouse close to center as you spin ;) My Very Best of Luck and Wishes to you and all <3
Thank you so much for the awesome tip tinygma!!! <3
Cool! I’m looking forward to this trophy challenge!! :D
My high score is only 102 I think. I am not that great at that game. Good luck guys!
My high score is like only 110 or something. xD
That’s an awesome score Fennec!!! I’m back!!!
Hi, oats! How have you been? :D
Hey RosyFox!!! I’m doin great!!!!
I’m so glad to hear that, oats! ^u^
oats34wk husband gone but still wishing you the best in your life .
Hey tinygma!!!! I miss you!! Can you friend me again?
oats34WK please don’t write me 6 or more letters 2 or 3 is fine I have so much going on I am on early am these days to destress I will add you today .
Can you show me you read this ? Thank you .
I like this game. I think I can win this one. The dolphin game was too hard.
I didn’t get the dolphin challenge because it was too hard. I’ve got to win this one.