A new Trophy Challenge will be starting on September 2nd but don’t leave it to last minute… You’ll only have until September 4th (midnight, Eastern Standard Time) to complete it!
Here’s how to play. On September 2nd, look for the Ms. Cowoline’s Trophy Challenge icon in your pet’s room. It will be displayed along the left side of the room:
Click on the icon to review your tasks. There are 3 tasks you’ll need to complete by midnight September 4th (EST) to earn the Ms. Cowoline’s Roll Call Trophy:
- Feed your pet an Apple from the W-Shop
- Earn 120 KinzCash playing Ms. Cowoline’s Roll Call in the Games Arcade
- Attempt any job with your pet at the Employment Office

Playing this game on the Webkinz Mobile app will not count towards your Challenge. You must play Ms. Cowoline’s Roll Call in the Games Arcade on Webkinz.com to participate in this event.

Are you up for the Challenge? Please leave your comments below…
This trophy of Ms Cowoline is adorable!! I can’t wait :)
cool. I like this game and points are realistic. Thanks, Ganz. That dolphin game was a horror.
Awesome, I can do this game.
Hope I get it because I love adding trophies to my collection :)
Me too.
Totally! I love trophy challenges. are there any more trophy challenges I can look forwards to coming up in September?
As much as I don’t really like Ms. Cowaline.. But I love trophies, I’ll go for it. I got the Go-Go Googles trophy yesterday!
What?! Why don’t you like Ms. Cowoline? I think she does a great job as superintendent.
Hmm, okay.. I’ll try! I usually can’t get very far when I’m on a computer, because it gets hard for my to switch back and forth with my mouse, rather than just moving my finger about an inch (like I would on the mobile app).. But I’ll try. ;]
I agree it is mush easier to play on the mobile. I hope it doesn’t take too long though I hate to have to be siting inside all day at the computer.
Ummmmm……isn’t this a Deluxe game? Nice trophy though. Wish I could do it. :( Pittiesrule
Not Deluxe. In fact, it’s available to free players, too!
Errrr…I might just be too busy with homework to complete this…school starts back up on September 1st for me…(I’m homeschooled) plus I have dance, so, I might not be able to do this one. :1
heyyy! i am homeschooled too! i start school whenever public school starts i think… ☺
actually i dont know when public school starts. i start in 2 weeks and 1 day (the days count!) on the 5 of september.
That’s so cool, Chocolate55! There are seriously SO many homeschoolers here on WKN! :D
Lucky! My school started August 15. i wish i were home schooled…
I did not know you were homeschooled Rosyfox. I’m homeschooled too!
Wow, kitty, that’s awesome! Man, there must be, like, 20 homeschoolers I know on here or something! It’s crazy. :D
make that 21 because I’m homeschooled too!!
Yeah same here, I start on August 29th and I have Taekwondo classes every day! I’m homeschooled too!