Sneak Peek: Printable Countdown Calendar with FREE Codes!

Click on the image to get the printable version!



Santakinz’ Reindeer are getting ready to show him the way to Webkinz World – and this year an adorable Reindeer is here to show YOU the spirit of the holidays with a special gift every day! Introducing  the 2018 Printable Countdown Calendar from Webkinz!


The Countdown Calendar offers a free code every day for 12 days!  Every day between December 14 and 25, enter the code in the Code Shop to get a different virtual gift. But the code is valid for one day only – until midnight EST – so don’t forget to log in every day to collect your gift.


Each code is valid for one day only!


The Countdown Calendar includes two Reindeer Calf Cake Pops that you can feed to your pet to earn a prize! And the best thing about this special holiday calendar? You can share it with your friends – and show everyone the joy of Webkinz!




Each code is valid for one day only – the corresponding date that appears on the calendar  - and expires at midnight EST so be sure to claim it before then and remind your friends to claim theirs.


Please note: If you try to use a Code on a date it is not valid or use it more than once you may get locked out of the Code Shop for 24 hours!


You can redeem these codes by entering them at the Code Shop, which you can find in the Things To Do menu on The prizes are limited to 1 code per account.


If you don’t have a printer, we have added the codes below for you. But remember – each one is valid for one day only!


W245-ZPXD-E3PW-38MS December 25
W245-HMWH-UWPY-PUQC December 24
W24F-BRE7-LY4N-6RVA December 23
W247-ACMV-J4PG-W62Y December 22
W24Z-5SAU-X8SD-Z5T8 December 21
W245-5ZLY-TLGV-EFW6 December 20
W245-8RU9-25KS-U2XY December 19
W24Q-8Y7A-3RKA-Y2BJ December 18
W24V-FHSS-FCPR-TTNY December 17
W243-XZ9D-SKP4-JAAG December 16
W24P-H3HH-6DR3-K42A December 15
W24B-U52E-E8SX-89GL December 14


Click here to download!



109 Responses to Sneak Peek: Printable Countdown Calendar with FREE Codes!

  1. tinygma says:

    WHEN I click the Coundown Calendar above it ENLARGES on my screen to make it easier to read . I get “S” and “5″ sometimes mixed up so write codes carefully . “C” and “G” and “6″ can sometimes get mixed up so easy :) .

  2. seevey3 says:

    What prizes do we get from the reindeer cake pops? Are they like prizes from the calendar?

  3. kgeorge says:

    the codes are not working i have tried going from the 14th up and from the 25th down and i keep getting a message saying it is either incorrect or already been used no mater what i do it is not working

  4. pinkiecupcake says:

    Is everyone sure that they’re entering the December 14th code and not the December 25th code? It worked fine for me.

  5. Tammy1988 says:

    Nope not working

  6. eprinsen says:

    Hi, I have tried printing the Reindeer with the codes twice. I have used reading glasses to see the codes and tried to use today’s code and each time I had the wrong code. So now I am banned for one day. I am hoping you will leave a one day larger code so anyone having my same trouble can see it thanks. happtfeet38 :(

  7. kristaw5 says:

    These codes are so small I can’t read them! HELP

  8. ggram says:

    tried to enter today’s code for the 14th on the 14th about 12:30am, 3 times on one account, thought I had entered incorrectly..And tried on another account at 2:30am same thing happened. By the time we are allowed, I will be doing other things instead of waiting on account. I have 7 accounts to try to do this???

  9. sunshine1158 says:

    I used the Dec. 14 code in the Code Shop and was told that it had already been used. Help! The code didn’t work for me.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I think that you are supposed to wait until tomorrow, Friday, December 14th. I don’t know if that means that it will work at 12:01, or it would be better to wait until after 9:00 or 10:00 A.M. WW time. As stated in the above article: Each code is valid for one day only – the corresponding date that appears on the calendar – and expires at midnight EST so be sure to claim it before then and remind your friends to claim theirs. So, try again tomorrow morning, when it is actually the 14th. Good luck! :)

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