Sneak Peek: River Otter Pet Patches

The River Otter is swimming in adorable sparking traits! Our full list of River Otter Sparking Traits is coming soon but, in the meantime, check out these adorable pet patches!

Can you pick a favorite?

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14 Responses to Sneak Peek: River Otter Pet Patches

  1. mumudraw says:

    I like the pearl ones!

  2. danielledanielle500 says:

    Please cancel the severed hands before the otter releases. Its creepy and not cute. This style ain’t it.

  3. KelliAnn11 says:

    I totally agree! When I saw them, my first thought was, “Couldn’t they have come up with nicer looking patches?” I was happy to see that it wasn’t just me.

  4. 2002hun says:

    the juggling balls (without the hands) would make more sense with a seal! i would rather have more pet patches of the snail and clams with different colored pearls or shells

  5. wk2nd says:

    So agree with the other comments. The otters adorable, but those juggling patches with the hands are like freaky. I really hope that you get rid of those top off hand that’s just a terrible patch. The clams in the clan pearls nailed. Those are adorable but the juggling ones they have got to go maybe just rock swirls or pebble swirls or something but not with the juggling looks like right now.

  6. g2u3c4c5i says:

    Lol love the juggling patches, cute :D My favourite is probably the snail.

  7. claibornefarm says:

    I love the Otter, like others that have commented; I am not crazy about the juggling. Maybe its not too late to re-design or omit that particular patch. Im happy with shell and snail.

  8. Ashnamia says:

    Yeah, the juggling patches I’m not crazy about they look like severed hands… The pearl and clam ones though I get and those are cute. Anyway can we please stop with the teasers and release the otter? :(

  9. ncis09 says:

    I am so with you, POOKA2. I will be hoping for a clam or snail. Otherwise he will be wearing pants constantly.

  10. P00KA2 says:

    Okay, is it just me or are the disembodied hands kinda creepy? For me would prefer just the pebbles and balls. Love the other patches and love the otter

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