Sneak Peek – September Peek-A-Newz

The Rockerz Cow pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this September, and he’s got a bunch of prizes you might win!

From September 1 until September 30, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Rockerz Cow 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a random prize from the September Prize Pool…including a BRAND NEW piece of furniture exclusive to Webkinz Newz!

Ace of Clubs Divider (Rare)

Blue Backpack (Common)

Drinking Fountain (Uncommon)

Ebony and Cream Crescent Dining Chair (Common, NEW)

Green Backpack (Common)

Green Notepad and Yellow Pens (Common)

Languages Poster (Common)

Libra Symbol Wall Decoration (Uncommon)

Lunchbox Fridge (Uncommon)

Math Poster (Uncommon)

Ms. Cowoline Reading Chair (Rare)

Ms. Cowoline’s Blazer (Rare)

Ms. Cowoline’s Skirt (Rare)

Navy Boy’s Uniform Blazer (Common)

Navy Boy’s Uniform Sweater (Common)

Navy Hanging Pants (Common)

Navy Hanging Skirt (Common)

Navy School Long Sleeve T-Shirt (Common)

Navy School T-Shirt (Common)

Purple Notepad and Orange Pens (Common)

Recess Bell (Common)

Sapphire Birthstone Gem Lamp (Uncommon)

Social Studies Poster (Common)

Textbook Tower (Uncommon)

Wonderful Webkinz Wardrobe (Rare)

40 Responses to Sneak Peek – September Peek-A-Newz

  1. KimAA1214 says:

    Aside from the sapphire lamp and Mrs. Cowline’s outfit, I have everything (oh and the new dining chair) and since I play this everyday, it’s kinda’ disappointing. I agree with Katz1259, I wish that somehow we were told what item we win when we complete the contest.

  2. arianatootlebug17 says:

    I love the prizes! Especially the wardrobe and Ms. Cowoline’s outfit! :P

  3. ca10lu says:

    I have all of these minus the new dining chair (but I have some that look pretty identical to that) and Ms. Cowline’s outfit so fingers crossed I’m lucky enough to get it.

  4. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Love the new Ebony and Cream Crescent Dining Chair! Thanks for the Sneak Peek :o)

  5. Katz1259 says:

    I do this challenge every day and I love it…. but I just wish that when we logged in to our Webkinz account it would tell us which prize we won or at the very least put it in the “new” tab of our dock.

    • rach1794 says:

      I do agree. At one point long, long ago we did get a message telling us what we had won in the opening “pop up” announcement (I’m sure there is an official title that I can’t think of right now)

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      I completely agree, Katz1259. I have done Peek-a-Newz every day for years & used to win something every day. The last few months, I can’t tell if any of the prizes were awarded to my account. Nothing seems to be arriving in my dock. Please make it so we get the “You have won” messages for this event again, ganz, Thanks!

  6. twinners1 says:

    How do you do these contests? Well when ever I try I don’t see anything.

  7. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    I always forget to do these, but thank you for the opportunity!

  8. LunaKnightJr says:

    I’m definitely doing next months peek a newz challenge. I need that Ms. Cowoline Shirt and Skirt!

  9. Spiderhulkman says:

    Sapphire Lamp and the Wardrobe are the only two that I “need” but the navy uniforms are nice too.

  10. megamom12 says:

    What is the new piece of furniture or is it a surprise?

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