Sneak Peek: The Great Cake Cookoff!



We’re whipping up a brand new feature in Webkinz Next! You’ll need to work together to cook up something fantastic, but the recipe for success is beating other players as you go! Because what could be batter than a little friendly competition? This feature has all the right ingredients for FUN!



Coming soon to Webkinz Next!




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16 Responses to Sneak Peek: The Great Cake Cookoff!

  1. babalichious says:

    when i click to join the game it tells me i’ve already played when i haven’t. i’ve logged out and cleared my cache but i still can’t participate. can anyone help please?

  2. catsrock2012 says:

    Arcade game, maybe?

  3. gladysomega says:

    I hope this is different than the Fantastic Flower and Snowman events. I quit playing those for two reasons. First – many players would just fill their tanks and just squirt the water/snow at each other and NOT help build the flower leaving a handful of players to do the real work but still they would get the participation money at the end. Secondly, Ganz dropped the participation money to a measly $50 for 15 minutes work. I can earn several hundred dollars in the arcade in that same amount of time. It just wasn’t worth it after that. I hope this Cake game is better.

    • pipperroo2 says:

      that was my first thought, was this new game going to be like fantastc flower.

    • 3canbc says:

      us two but this time they use cars and they run us over, they get in the way with the cars, it makes me dizzy, and first time i played i got froze up, in the tree area, but then that evening it worked i finally seen the cake once but look out the cars run you over, .

  4. Sonari says:

    You had me at work together and then lost me at beat other players. I’d rather just work as a team, it’s so much more fun when we all win together. That said, this does look interesting and new events are always exciting.

  5. g2u3c4c5i says:

    Looks like fun!

  6. leaveitnow41s says:


  7. marroncream says:

    I’m so excited!!! I adore Next so much but have been running out of daily things to do quite fast .. always excited to hear about new features and events!!

  8. Puppy789 says:

    Webkinz, today I just went to the estore to see if the donut pup was back and it’s not. What happened to the donut pup in the estore?

  9. Puppy789 says:

    Wow!! This looks like fun!!

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