Sneak Peek: Valentine Collection Event 2025



This year’s Valentine Collection prizes will be automatically sent to your linked Webkinz Next account!


Here’s how it works: From February 1 – 28, look for the Valentine Collection icon on your Kinzville Map on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App, and click on it to see your collection:


You’ll get one free Valentine every day, just for clicking on the collection icon (Deluxe Members will get two free Valentines a day).



Once you have received your free Valentine, you can get five more throughout the day by asking your friends (by clicking the ASK FRIENDS button) or by finding and clicking on the floating Valentine on (make sure you collect your free one first before trying to find one on Webkinz Newz).


Need more friends to help you complete your collection? Click the ASK FRIENDS button, then click the NEED MORE FRIENDS? button to see other players looking for friends and add them to your Friends List.


Here’s a closer look at each prize and how many Valentines you’ll need to collect to win each one:



ATTENTION WEBKINZ NEXT PLAYERS: Do you have a Webkinz Next account that is linked to your Webkinz Classic account? As you reach each prize milestone, your prize will be automatically unlocked on Webkinz Classic AND sent directly to your linked Webkinz Next account the very next day!



CLICK HERE to learn how to link your Webkinz Classic account to a Webkinz Next account.





    • You must have a Webkinz Next account that is linked to your Webkinz Classic account to have your Valentine Collection prizes sent to Webkinz Next.


    • Your Valentine Collection prize will be automatically added to your Webkinz Next Dock the day after you unlock it on Webkinz Classic. You will not be sent a notification that the prize has been added to your account.



Don’t forget: if you complete your collection before the end of the month, you can replay it again to win extra prizes! So, play every day to collect as many Valentines as you can!


Which Valentine Collection prize are looking forward to collecting the most? Let us know in the comment section below…



Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.



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32 Responses to Sneak Peek: Valentine Collection Event 2025

  1. DashietheCloudSheep says:

    ohhhhh i love these things! I have had little luck with getting valentinesy things so far so this is perfect

  2. hofo says:

    great new theme!

  3. mfaull says:

    Love it, love it all! Thanks!

  4. patchts says:

    sally do I still keep the collection on classic as well if it is sent to my next account? I really want to keep it on classic.

    • Michael Webkinz says:

      Hi patchts! A duplicate will be sent to your Webkinz Next account, so you will be able to keep all the prizes you unlock on your Webkinz Classic account.

  5. mrgower says:

    !!! I love this new theme!

  6. 594nat says:

    I’m so excited for these collection prizes, they are lovely :)

  7. 7debbie7 says:

    Great Valentine’s Day Collection Event…Love the Prizes! Thanks Ganz.

  8. pittiesrule says:

    I can’t wait to get these items. They are really cute. Maybe next year we could add more items to it like a window, rug, sofa, fireplace & side table.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Hi @pittiesrule. I was just thinking the same thing, and agree with you and @a5t who posted below – I like when themes come with tons of decorating options to really fill the room. That being said, whoever designed the room above with the few available pieces blended with DIY stuff did a really nice job! I am so glad they paired this theme with that pink wallpaper because I think it goes pretty well together. It’s pinkalicious!

  9. Grandma52 says:

    This looks great. I am excited to start this.

  10. a5t says:

    Just when I was worrying I was running out of pink themes! Thank you so much Ganz, this is beautiful! Hoping more pieces are coming through other avenues!

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