Sneak Peek: Webkinz Stache Dach!


Here’s a sneak peek at an adorable NEW dog coming to stores and Webkinz World in November!



The Stache Dach is pleased to make your acquaintance! A classy pet who adores their elegant lifestyle, they’ll often be spotted zooming about town in their immaculate Mustache Mobile! And, of course, this dachshund would never be without an ice-cold glass of Refined Root Beer, a drink fit for the most cultured of pets.



185 Responses to Sneak Peek: Webkinz Stache Dach!

  1. arianatootlebug says:

    Cute! I love it!!!!

  2. y33onWKN says:

    If I got this dog, I would name him Sir Hundley! (I think I spelled that right.)

  3. fivenightsatscarlets says:


  4. luvluvluv says:

    must. have. this. pet. love. mustaches

  5. JookieJess says:

    This pet isn’t my cup of tea. Sorry Ganz! I have a suggestion for an upcoming pet, though: an octopus! What do you guys think? ~JIUG2013

  6. EN4719 says:

    i want one because i love mustaches, gumballs, rootbeer, and dogs

  7. saleet9 says:

    O.M.G. i love this pet it is so awesome and cute.(mustaches rock!!!!!) I am so getting this for my bff’s b-day

  8. xoingtoby says:

    Gotta have!! Yep, yep, yep!

  9. crystal33447 says:

    hi webkinzlove2207! i know about movember! just learned recently! oh and if you guys out there are wondering ” what are these crazy people saying whats movember?!” then i will tell ya! it is when men get paid money that they can put in charity grow mustaches! weird huh? anyway their doing it for a good cause so…….anyway i have a joke! who would raise the most money during movember? the bearded lady! get it from the circus! <:

  10. PUGTONY3 says:

    I would name this puppy “Dashing Mr. Stache”

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