Sneak Peek: Year 15 Time Capsule Giveaway!


Our 15th Webkinz Day anniversary is on Wednesday, April 29th, 2020!


To celebrate this special milestone, we’re going to be giving away daily Time Capsules from our previous Year 10 anniversary!


Just log in each day to your Webkinz account on web, mobile, or the desktop app starting on Wednesday, April 15th until Thursday, April 23rd to receive time capsules commemorating years 1 – 9.




Then from Friday, April 24th until Tuesday, April 28th, log in to get NEW time capsules commemorating years 10 and onward!




Of course, don’t forget to also log in on Wednesday, April 29th for our 15th Webkinz Day anniversary! You’ll get a Webkinz Day Gift filled with fantastic prizes! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for a sneak peek at what’s inside!



If you miss out on one of the Firework Wall Panels, or if you just want more for some of your other rooms, you’ll be able to find the Fireworks Wall Panel Pack, (containing all 5 wall panels) at the Ganz eStore, starting on April 30th!



Which prizes are YOU most excited about collecting? Let us know in the comments below!


146 Responses to Sneak Peek: Year 15 Time Capsule Giveaway!

  1. radish35 says:

    I would love to sell pet buddies or at least get them out of my dock some how. I do not like pet buddies.

  2. sylveongames says:

    What do i do if i missed a day

  3. ottercrazy says:

    The dragon buddy! The stuff I have so far also rocks! The Dr. Quack and Miss. Birdy puzzle is also nice.

  4. Morningdew12 says:

    Am I the only one who just realized that the puzzle pieces are the Dr Quack + Ms Birdy carving?

  5. Mavman15 says:

    Whoops said that twice :(

  6. Mavman15 says:

    Just got my first puzzle piece !!!

  7. Mavman15 says:

    Just got my first puzzle piece !!!!

  8. noodle21 says:

    I have a question, what do we do with the Webkinz Year 15 coins?

  9. bhart371 says:

    Thank you for clearing that up for me.

  10. bhart371 says:

    The video in clubhouse says people from 15-28 years of age will get a special time capsule.

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