Some Answers from our Creative Director!

Karl, the Creative Director of Webkinz, answers questions from Webkinz Newz readers:

Sk8er asks:  Are there any plans in place to design seasonal themed W-Shop party packs? For example, a summer themed pool party with favors the coordinate with the party theme.

CD: Actually, yes we do! The Valentine’s Party Pack was just the first of our themed packs. We’re going to do holiday packs and seasonal packs – like the summer pack you mentioned. Watch for them in the W-Shop! Also on the topic of parties, we recently discovered and fixed a key bug with parties. They should be much more reliable now.

Maddie asks: You as a director would you say that being a director is hard and frustrating? I would also like to know how is being a director is it fun,boring or hard ? I hope i get chosen !

CD: There are times that being a Creative Director can be frustrating, but that is true of almost any job. Sometimes you have lots and lots of ideas, but there just isn’t enough time in a year to get them all done, or more important ideas come up and you have to do them first. That can be tough, but overall it is a pretty fun job. You get to work with really talented people to make your ideas come to life, and play games as part of your job!

Webkinzuser asks: Ok, I have a few questions: What is the rarest thing in Webkinz World? Have you considered making a mall in Webkinz World? What is Arte Fact’s FAVORITE rare item? Thanks

CD: Let me answer these in order:

1)      The rarest item in Webkinz World is the Ms. Birdy Master Caring Award. It has only ever been awarded once, to a single member. We have plans to release more of them in the future, but right now there is only one in all of Webkinz World. No, I don’t have that item.

2)      Actually, the Kinzville Mall is coming to Webkinz World very soon! But I promise it isn’t what you expect. You’ll have to wait and see!

3)      Did you know that there are currently 134 active rare items? That’s a lot to choose from. Being an old adventurer, Arte has a special place for the Egyptian and Aztec themes. He says that right now his favourite item is the Aztec Fire Pit. It just looks so good in so many rooms.

Jeffrey asks: Since you are the creative director of Webkinz, what do you consider your most creative innovation in Webkinz World? or the thing you are most proud of?

CD: That’s a tough question to answer. We’ve done so much over the past six years. The two features I think were very innovative are Arte in the Curio Shop, and the jobs in the Employment Office. I really like the Arte gets to know you the more you visit him and shop in the Curio Shop. It gives the shop a lot of life. As for the Employment Office, a lot of kids asked for jobs when we first launched Webkinz. Problem is, real jobs are a lot of work, and that isn’t much fun. So we created little games inspired by real jobs that you could do quickly and that paid really well. I think they turned out great.

Webkinzuser asks: Will we ever get to customize our own furniture? For example, we can buy blank, plain wood couches and chairs, and then go to a “workshop” section, and choose our paint colours, decorations etc.

CD: No, we won’t ever get to that point where you can put together your own furniture, but we will continue to play with customizable items. Right now the Caring Valley trees work this way – there are nine options, which combine to make your choice of 27 designs! We really like how this works and will be doing more items like this in the future.

Virtualpawprints asks: The Key to Kinzville challenges were fun. Have you considered making a Challenge Room for Quests or Hunts in the Clubhouse to win items in WW?

CD: I’m glad that you liked the Key to Kinzville challenges. This summer we’ll be taking challenges and quests to the next level! I can’t go into specifics but I will say that this will be one of the biggest updates to Webkinz World in some time!

OwlEars asks: webkinz is played on the computer ofcourse……so why is there no computer in the w shop ???
theres crayons, tvs, sterios but no computer

CD: This is a question I get a lot. When we first launched Webkinz we made the decision that if an object looks like it should work, we’ll make it work. So we made TVs with shows, stoves that cook and pools that you can swim in. So what would a computer do, considering that they can do almost anything?  Play Webkinz? This created an “infinite dog” situation which I didn’t like, so we decided to just not release any.

dogsbestfriend97 asks: What’s is Webkinz all about ? I’ve been wondering and wondering and wondering.

CD: Great question! Here’s my answer: whatever you want it to be about! Really, Webkinz is different to different people. To some, Webkinz is all about playing with your pets in the room – watching TV, taking baths, playing out little stories. To others it’s all about trading and collecting the rarest items in Webkinz World. To others it’s about playing games all the time and collecting the most KinzCash possible! I know some players who have nothing in their dock and nothing in their rooms but thousands and thousands of KinzCash because they just love the games in the arcade. At the heart of it, Webkinz is about taking care of your pet in an online world and having fun – however you define that.

Tatt25 asks: hi i want you guys to do a new tv show. can you guys do it?

CD: We definitely have ideas for new shows for the TV. The only reason that we haven’t done them is that they haven’t fit into our schedule. I’ve noticed that a lot of people are asking for new shows, so perhaps we can move some things around and get one in.

Natasha asks: Where do you see Webkinz World in the future, say a year or five years from now?

CD: We build Webkinz one year at a time. I’m currently putting together the plan for Spring 2012. This doesn’t mean that 2011 is 100% set, as changes do happen, but we know where we want to get to by the end of the year. As I’ve said before, 2011 is about making what we have better. By the end of the year the pet’s room will have a number of new features, and you’ll be playing in areas you know and love in a whole new way. Overall I’d say that next year this time Webkinz will truly be better than ever. Five years from now? Really, I don’t know. Technology and ideas move very fast. But I do know this: I’ll still be logging in everyday to go to Jumbleberry Fields.


286 Responses to Some Answers from our Creative Director!

  1. resh56 says:

    can you make a webkinz bank

  2. Vampgal says:

    What are the clothing combinations for the: Emerald Ski Jacket, Rainbow Overalls, Watermelon Top, Seaside Sarong, and well thats all i want to know = : )

  3. Webkinz world won't let me comment! says:

    Why is webkinz world so mean? To psalm: please stop commenting I get your point, in fact I got it 204 times. To webkinz world: Stop being rude to me! I will complain about you!

  4. robotwoman says:

    How do you get the smileys?:]

  5. ellisa says:

    I love PJ’ s clothing machine clothes but I can’ t make superstar shirt plese tell me the recipie…

  6. jones41 says:

    anybody who wants to be my friend on webkinz my username is abbey42. I send good mail. You will probably get exclusive items a

  7. I am such an hugger says:

    Where do you find those smiley faces stamps?

  8. CDlvr says:

    A Main Coon. I love the idea :) If anyone who likes the main coon wants to add me my user name is blu502 (no caps!)

  9. dawn says:

    I would like to know what is being done to fix the current glitches in the adoption center and in the game of go fish?

    In the go fish game at the very end if the computer has two cards left that are the same card (lets say a five) and it asks for a five and gets one five but still needs another five it freezes the game. then no points are awarded and I have to completely log ing again. very frustrating.

    In the adoption area when you open your box to see what goodies you get there are no pictures showing just some pretty cool looking sparkly things. do you think perhaps you all can fix these please?

    Thank you so much.. oh before I forget… I would like more plants to choose from… I like plants….

    Thank you very much

  10. Webkinz' Biggest Fan says:

    I waz wondering if you guys could create a room theme with all peace signs! I am obsessed with peace signs!!! (Almost all of my clothes at home have peace signs on them!!! Can youdo it?

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