Some Fabulous eStore Fashions!

Hey Webkinz fans, have you seen some of the fabulous new outfits that you can create from clothes at the eStore? We’ve got a few wonderful models here to show you exactly how cool they are!






Mixing laidback and cool styles almost always works well – case in point: Tansie! Tansie’s Blue Trucker Hat and Telepathy Titan Boots definitely bring the casual, while her Heart and Soul Jeans and Hit the Club Jacket finish the outfit off in a most awesome fashion. Tansie, wherever you’re going, you’re definitely rocking this look!








The sporty look is always a popular choice – and Moorice is here to show us why! His colorful Webkinz Runners look absolutely terrific with the DJ Outfit – and everything is topped off with the uber-cool Too Cool Ball Cap. Moorice, you’re ready for the game!







Saffron is one stylish bunny – just look at that bold black-and-white Skunk Beret and royal violet Webkinz Day Year 6 Dress! Saffron is also all about comfort, though – so she really appreciates the cushiness of the Captain Webkinz Boots!


The eStore is home to all of the clothes featured in today’s post!


90 Responses to Some Fabulous eStore Fashions!

  1. Little Miss SUNSHINE says:

    So I was scrolling through all of these comments and I see a bunch of stuff about someone named “silverstar” and someone trying to fake being this “silverstar”……so can anyone explain this to me…..BECAUSE IM GETTING SERIOUSLY CONFUSED!!!!!!!

  2. the real silverstar says:

    hey i am the real silver star and honestly i don’t like any of those outfits they are ugly!

  3. Luxruy Luxay says:

    For anyones info, Luxury Luxray and Bells1123 are the same person, I just use two names because I sometimes use more then one comment on one page. But ONLY use Bells1123 if your adding me, Luxury Luxray isen’t my real user name. It’s because I have a level 75 Luxray who I named Luxury.
    I personly don’t care for the E-store. When cool things come out, I just bite my lip to hold back the anger.

  4. no way says:

    no way!!!!! i just got the beauiful bllue ball gown … yes yes yes !!!

  5. 1000silverstar says:

    hi im the real silverstar and i just want you to know that i really love these outfits and i just want to ask the people that are pretending to be me to not to

    • 1000Silverstar says:

      Ok, seriously! Stop this! How many pets do I have including Zums, Kinzclips and Hamsters! Can you please stop this? I always sign and use proper grammar! Stop! -1000Silverstar

  6. FAshionDesigner says:

    Hi SFH4299 its me Inaleon! I wish that i could tell you the fashion I;m working on but I can’t I’ll show you it at school on MoNDAY.OKAY?

  7. moon star says:

    hi everyone im moon star how is everyone ps!!!!

  8. aes2001 says:

    the 1st one can be sorta made with kinzstyle. Blue B-ball cap, distressed stretchy jeans, Arte’s jacket and I don’t know what shoes.

  9. OMG I luvvv fashion!!! ;) says:

    I like the clothes individually, but not together. Sorry! ;) Does anyone know how to get estore points cuz i looked it up online but couldn’t find ANYTHING!!! :(

  10. Haha, love the Cow's name! says:

    I love the name “Moorice” for that Cow. It’s the name Maurice with “Moo” instead if “Maur” because it’s a cow. Get it?

    The first outfit is the best, if you took away that hat!!

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