Some Fabulous eStore Fashions!

Hey Webkinz fans, have you seen some of the fabulous new outfits that you can create from clothes at the eStore? We’ve got a few wonderful models here to show you exactly how cool they are!






Mixing laidback and cool styles almost always works well – case in point: Tansie! Tansie’s Blue Trucker Hat and Telepathy Titan Boots definitely bring the casual, while her Heart and Soul Jeans and Hit the Club Jacket finish the outfit off in a most awesome fashion. Tansie, wherever you’re going, you’re definitely rocking this look!








The sporty look is always a popular choice – and Moorice is here to show us why! His colorful Webkinz Runners look absolutely terrific with the DJ Outfit – and everything is topped off with the uber-cool Too Cool Ball Cap. Moorice, you’re ready for the game!







Saffron is one stylish bunny – just look at that bold black-and-white Skunk Beret and royal violet Webkinz Day Year 6 Dress! Saffron is also all about comfort, though – so she really appreciates the cushiness of the Captain Webkinz Boots!


The eStore is home to all of the clothes featured in today’s post!


90 Responses to Some Fabulous eStore Fashions!

  1. EllySilverStar says:

    Saffron’s dress is adorable, and so is the hat, but not with the dress. I’m sorry, but those shoes Saffron’s wearing, they look like a big purple sack (no offense). But seriously, the eStore is WAY TO EXSPENSIVE, so forget it.

  2. waddles26 says:

    two is the bset by far. 2



  4. erin891 says:

    i am soory i am hurting your feelings but those clothes are ugly out of fashen i would never in a millen years let my pet were that

    sooooooo soory if i hurt your feeling just telling what i feel

  5. jessica says:

    hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!

  6. thelens world says:

    Quiet Interesting Outfits… Lovely!

  7. CocaCola says:

    I would like to see more predominant hats that stand up,maybe with a feather, sleeves on tops that have dangles hanging orbells hanging or wings. The same goes 4 bottoms (something that is 3d), and maybe jewelry that hangs or big eatings..and lets not 4get shoes. It’s not that I don’t like them they just dont standd out. I love the ushers hat in Spree game. Just my opinion.

    • SolitaryHowl says:

      Wow, I really like the cap on the cow, but I don’t really like anything else no offence… I think they should have used labs for the models since labs look cute in a lot of things. Oh well, just my opinion.

  8. 90flowerpots says:

    They did not even choose good models. And the cow! Does not look good in that outfit. I’m sorry, but that is my opinion.

  9. CPC77 says:

    Saffron’s outfit was adorable.

  10. silverleaf says:

    go silverstar1000 im on your side

    p.s. not trying to copy you with the name:)

    • 1000Silverstar says:

      It’s ok! No offense take, I am happy someone is trying to help me! -1000Silverstar

    • 1000Silverstar says:

      Hey Silverleaf! I was hoping you could help me with something. I am making a name shop to give people cool names so they don’t copy people. I think people liked my name and wanted it so they did the copying thing. Well, I was hoping that you could be one of my helpers. If you want, search: In-Room Mud Tub. -1000Silverstar

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