Something Big is coming to Webkinz Next!



In early March we will be launching a major new addition to Webkinz Next that we call Seasons.



Seasons are regular 35-day events where you’ll be able to earn Season Points by completing daily and weekly tasks. Each week will unlock additional tasks that can be completed any time until the end of the event. The more tasks you complete, the more points you’ll earn. When you hit certain levels of points, you’ll win prizes! There are 18 prizes for everyone to win!



If you want to earn even more, you can purchase a Season Pass for an additional 30 prizes to earn, including 15 exclusive rewards! All total these prizes have a value of $60. You can purchase the Season Pass at any time and immediately unlock any prizes that you’ve already earned.


Purchase of the Season Pass is completely optional. All players have the same tasks and the same access to the event. All the prizes that can be earned can be seen in the Season interface.


So what are these prizes? Our first season’s theme is “Spring Picnic” with prizes to celebrate the warming weather and our last month of snow in Kinzville. Here are a few examples (Season Pass items marked with *):


All new emojis!

Give your chat some style with these fun emojis, all exclusive to this Season.



New Clothing!

Fun and floral styles for the fashion forward pet.



Mystery Gifts!

Everyone can earn a Premium Reward Bag, now updated with items from our latest premium themes, like Ohh La La. Season Pass holders can earn up to 3 Cherry Bloom Mystery Capsules each with 1 of 8 special items (Capsules are also available in the W-Shop for Diamonds).



Season Pass Specials!

When you purchase your Season Pass, you will immediately unlock the Hello Spring Wall Art Recipe Card. This recipe has just one material – Bits of Magic! This new material can only be earned through the Season Pass and will be usable with ANY Season exclusive recipe. So use yours to make up to three Wall Arts, or save them for future seasons!



And for the Season Pass grand prize we’ve created the European Picnic Basket Dispenser. Collect a delicious Pressed Picnic Sandwich each day from this unique new item.




And much more!


Additional prizes include KinzCash, Materials, Diamonds, Wish Tokens and some special rewards for another new feature that we’ll announce soon!




Download Webkinz Next now — available for Mac, iOS, Android and Windows 10. Download Webkinz Next


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67 Responses to Something Big is coming to Webkinz Next!

  1. Beckinz8 says:

    Ooooo… how about a mini hanging herb garden? It would do great with all the natural light streaming through those Big City Loft windows!

  2. Beckinz8 says:

    I am looking forward to trying something new, and I am always up for a challenge. Is there a place where we can post suggestions for things that we would like to see in Next? For now, I hope that you read the suggestions that I leave here: could you please come up with more crafting recipes that use our hardwood, slag, and soil? I am also looking for things that are small enough to put on the “simple wall shelf”. I am currently designing a “Big City Loft” kitchen with open shelving, and so far I only have the tall mug on the shelves. Can we get a small set of glasses, a short stack of plates, maybe a serving bowl, and a standing serving platter so it can stand at the back of the shelf against the wall and the pattern will be visible? Anything else for kitchen wall shelves would be appreciated, like a tiny planter or something. Thank you for listening, and please do let me know if there is a better place to post suggestions.

  3. Beelee says:

    Really like this new program. Love completing quests and earning prizes. Will there be new recipes as well?

  4. pipperroo2 says:

    If fill the heart 5 times is required every week I’m going to have a problem. It seems like my pet rarely ask for anything, so their hearts don’t fill daily

  5. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Sounds cute, but… thanks but no thanks. I am NOT paying to complete a season pass. I don’t know about anyone else, I am not falling into the void of having to pay to play.

  6. Ailuropoda says:

    Will we eventually be able to purchase Next Diamonds in the Ganz eStore, the way we do Points for Classic?

  7. TobyAndMia2020 says:

    Oh, My Gosh that sounds fun!

  8. sef62 says:

    Did I miss something? I did not see where or if it said how much the season pass would cost? I am very interested. TY

  9. ArcanineEspeon says:

    I was excited until I saw that this was specifically for purchase. It’ll be like Deluxe Membership all over again, I guess. This “free prizes plus double prizes you can purchase” sure seems to be popular, as is having them be Season themed. I first noticed it with Merge Dragons, then Pokemon Unite was released. This past month Animal Crossing Pocket Camp implemented it with the Merry Memories plan, and now Webkinz is doing it.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      The Season Pass is for purchase. All of the activities and all of the free tier prizes are available to everyone, regardless of whether you’ve purchased a pet or not. You can choose to purchase the pass, or not. Purchasing a pass for one season doesn’t affect other seasons. There’s no renewal, no activity gating. It’s not that different from purchasing premium items from the W Shop when you see something you like.

  10. My4Sweeties says:

    This will be fantastic! Way to go, Webkinz Next!

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