Spark Party Clip

Did you miss the New Year’s Spark Party? Check out these adorable babies sparked by Mandy, Sally and Dorothy Lou on New Year’s Day. And make sure to keep an eye out for more Spark Party events.

Can you pick a favorite?

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10 Responses to Spark Party Clip

  1. BoulderPrarieHome says:

    I really like this post. It is fun to see babies with names. I have an idea for a Sparking. On special days, like Valenties day, could Ganz offer a Valentines Day Spark Pet. For example, on Valenties Day, I could spark a unique Valentines Day kitten. I want different pets!!! This could be a way to get one and might get players to spark on special days.

  2. P00KA2 says:

    All so cute! Was super excited to see you get special color pets, Sally ! :) Know they are your favorite :) and they are adorable !

  3. bovina96 says:

    How come Dorothy Lou sparked four babies while Mandy and Sally only sparked three?

  4. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    My favorites are Milly and Starlight:)

  5. cr2w says:

    My two babies are almost ready to grow – holding out for Valentine’s Day to spark. Haven’t decided who to spark yet. Have several kids that are not ready to grow – probably should send to Day Care. Most of my grown-ups are done with sparks or just one left.

  6. nicetigress says:

    My favorites are Beach Ball, Tulip, and Merry Legs.

  7. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Aww cute I love them so adorable ❤️

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