Sparky Strikes it Rich









It’s Roberta. How long do you think we need to keep up this lucky stone charade for Sparky anyway? Today he could not believe his luck because on the way to the ‘Kinz meeting, he found 20 KinzCash lying on the sidewalk.

I know what you’re probably thinking. You’re thinking that the lucky stone actually works. Well, you’re wrong. We just want Sparky to think that it works so you know what we did? We all chipped in some KinzCash and we planted it there for him to find. Salley and Stoogles waited behind a hedge until they saw him coming and then they secretly placed it in his path so he would find it.

So now Sparky is 20 KinzCash richer and the rest of us are kind of broke. When he got to the meeting he was so happy, which was great and all, but he said the rest of us should cheer up because we seemed kind of grumpy.  Then he complained because no one had stopped at the W Shop to pick up snacks for the meeting. That’s because we didn’t have any KinzCash left! We had given it all to him! He’d be grumpy too if he were us.

38 Responses to Sparky Strikes it Rich

  1. SapphireSea says:

    It’s nice that you’re trying to make him happy, but this is taking it too far. If I were him I’d be SUPER suspicious. I’d probably have guessed it was you guys before now. Then again, I don’t believe in things like that, so…

  2. **~~Smiles28~~** says:

    Well i agree with everyone else who said that you could of giving him about 5kinzcash and i don’t think its Sparky falt about the snack thing.. he didn’t know that you guys gave him 20kinzcash. i would be grumpy too:) but if he knew you guys were broke he would have chiped in for you guys. Sparky is your friend guys i would go tell him if you keep this up he will be very sad:( you should go tell him
    Best of luck:D **~~Smiles28~~**

  3. cathouse2 says:

    I think you made Sparky really happy, though, I think you guys went just a little too far with the “good luck” thing.


  4. rosey3345 says:

    hi i think you should tell sparky that you left the money and you could not go to the wshop because you were sort of poor and he was rich

  5. scotlandd says:

    I got a better idea, GO TO THE ARCADE! You can get 20 kinzcash in one game.

  6. kittycannon143 says:

    wow why 20 kinzcash if that were me i would have done at least 5. ps webkinz rules ! pps trust me you should not of got 20 kinzcash but that’s very nice.

  7. Pipsqueak says:

    What if Sparky loses the stone, but the Kinz think he still has it? Then, when they continue the act… everything will be ALL MESSED UP!

    Your favourite mini-marker,
    Pipsqueak :-D

  8. Gabriella♥ says:

    This is too much, guys. Tell him. ASAP. It’s important that he’s happy, and he is, so, like, drop the act! ♥


  9. lovepuppygirl says:

    Ooo so sneaky!!!!!

  10. CoconutCloud says:

    I think it’s time you guys (the Kinz) should tell Sparky the truth. Before he gets too happy. ;-)


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