Sparky Strikes it Rich









It’s Roberta. How long do you think we need to keep up this lucky stone charade for Sparky anyway? Today he could not believe his luck because on the way to the ‘Kinz meeting, he found 20 KinzCash lying on the sidewalk.

I know what you’re probably thinking. You’re thinking that the lucky stone actually works. Well, you’re wrong. We just want Sparky to think that it works so you know what we did? We all chipped in some KinzCash and we planted it there for him to find. Salley and Stoogles waited behind a hedge until they saw him coming and then they secretly placed it in his path so he would find it.

So now Sparky is 20 KinzCash richer and the rest of us are kind of broke. When he got to the meeting he was so happy, which was great and all, but he said the rest of us should cheer up because we seemed kind of grumpy.  Then he complained because no one had stopped at the W Shop to pick up snacks for the meeting. That’s because we didn’t have any KinzCash left! We had given it all to him! He’d be grumpy too if he were us.

38 Responses to Sparky Strikes it Rich

  1. ikmbear says:

    WOW. Come on Roberta. Is it really worth it?
    ikmbear (friend request me on webkinz!)

  2. ? says:

    some point ur gonna have to tell him so tell him soon or ull grow broke in everything

  3. Jeans says:

    Uh oh. This is not going to end well.
    It is never right to trick people, even when you think it will help them. Can you see how complicated it’s getting? Every day it is going to get worse and worse. Someone (or all of you together) needs to sit Sparky down and tell him the truth. I think he will not believe you at first. Then I think he will be very mad at all of you for tricking him. And then I think his feelings will be hurt. It is best to always tell the truth.

  4. Monkeylover905 says:

    don’t worry Roberta. Soon Sparky will figure out what’s going on. Just think it will be worth it in the end! What you did is really nice and there is nothing better than the felling of making someone else happy. What you did is a really unselfish thing!:) I wish I could be your friend.

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