Sparky’s prank









Ha ha ha! It’s Sparky and I am having an AWESOME April Fool’s Day! How is it that whoopee cushions just NEVER get old? We were all hanging out at Roberta’s and no matter how many times I sneaked my whoopee cushion onto someone’s chair today I found it absolutely hilarious! And I know everyone else did too! Oh, they were all pretending to get sick of it after the seventh time I pulled it off (and THREE of those times were all on Salley! What can I say? She kept getting up to get a drink – she was an easy target!) but I know they’re just jealous because whoopee cushions are the ultimate April Fool’s prank and they wish they had thought of it. I know Cowabelle said that Polly was really embarrassed when I caught her, but come on – everyone knows that it’s all in good fun, right? Oh, gotta run. Alex is getting up for some chips! The Sparkster strikes again, folks!

34 Responses to Sparky’s prank

  1. Goldenflower says:

    Very funny Sparky! Just don’t over-do it!!! Warrior Goldenflower -ThunderClan-

  2. crazyiz1 says:

    no alex, just no. way to make april fools just a little less fun. four words for you : WHOOPY CUSHIONS GET OLD!

  3. i am says:

    ha… very funny.i played a prank on my mom when i put a rubber band around the trigger that holds down the sprayer thing on the kitchen sink and water sprayed in her FACE!

  4. widgetwoo says:

    Best. Prank. EVER!!! Whoppe cusions are the prank, BUT… try water balloons. EVRYONE WILL THINK THE VICTM WET THEIR PANTS!!! SO FUNNY!!!

  5. mama E says:

    Talk about a back fire prank.LOL

  6. Snowstar says:

    really? come on! its not mean and she shouldent say sorry to sally. its april fools day lighten up!

  7. lovepuppygirl says:

    Awesome Sparky!!!!!!

  8. MDIChickadee says:

    Hi Sparky! Once might be funny, after that: it does get annoying. Just so you know. All the best! MDIChickadee

  9. Belladoggie (geva4, geva4isawesome) says:

    Sparky that was a pretty good prank!!! Your friends, Belladoggie

  10. lynn says:

    I totally agree Sparky. Your prank was good but I think you were really mean to Salley. You should apologize.

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