Special Report With Sally Webkinz


We’re right in the middle of our Scrambled Arcade Challenge, so I’ve got eggs on my mind! Here’s a look at some of the eggs available in Webkinz World…. it turns out that most of them are chocolate. Not that I mind!



Which is your favorite? I think I’m most tempted by the Rainbow Jelly Eggs!

32 Responses to Special Report With Sally Webkinz

  1. Mokachan123 says:

    I really like the purple chocolate egg! Looks like someone painted on it!

  2. percaroma says:

    Hi Sally! Since there are so many varieties of everything in Webkinz…are baby penguins the same as or different than Lil’ Kinz penguins?

  3. ojibwa says:

    You forgot the regular egg salad sandwich! I get those from the daily activities a lot.

  4. bertnelson says:

    I never realized how many different chocolate eggs there have been. I suppose it’s because you feed them all to your pets for the gifts, and then a year later you just don’t remember the previous ones!

  5. kaye10 says:

    hi I’ve researched this to no avail: which dispenser makes the egg salad tea sandwich please?? thanks, k.

    • Katz1259 says:

      Hi kaye10 it is from the Tea Party Table. Do you need one? It also dispenses a salmon sandwich and there is one more, but I get the egg one the most. If you would like some of them add me and I will send. I am Katz1259

    • dogfish says:

      Hi , The Tea Party Table. Egg Salad is just one, they all look yummy. I think it was one of the first dispensers that gave several different foods when you clicked on it. DF

  6. Wingsfan65 says:

    The 2013 Milk Chocolate Egg is my favourite—so beautiful :)

  7. NorwegianCoffeeKat says:

    That wild egg omelette looks really good! I’ve heard of people eating ostrich eggs before, haven’t had the chance to try it yet though. :P

  8. dippyear says:

    There’s also egg salad sandwich you can make on the sandwich maker with egg, salad and bread. I love chocolate eggs.

  9. Beckinz8 says:

    Those rainbow jelly eggs are just gorgeous! Are they a PSI? My favorite chocolate eggs were the flower patterned ones. Kudos to the designers for the attention to detail – all the designs appear raised like they would on a real chocolate egg with designs layered on top.

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