Special Report With Sally Webkinz



While summer isn’t officially here, things are definitely sunnier! This time, I’m going to be looking at Sunflower foods. Check them out!



I think I could go for a Sunflower and Spice Muffin right about now. What looks most appealing to you? Let me know if I missed any sunflower foods!



32 Responses to Special Report With Sally Webkinz

  1. mochidochi says:

    Wow that sunflower and spice muffin looks really good! I think I’m going to make some of those for real!

  2. ojibwa says:

    I have never even seen most of these!

  3. KSC says:

    Hi Sally! Thank you for another fun report! Those lemon sun drops look very tasty right now.

  4. PupKid008 says:

    I love the Savory, BBQ, and Salt and Pepper Sunflower Seeds. They look amazing! The classic Sunflower Seeds would be good, too!

  5. 7debbie7 says:

    Ohh…Love Those BBQ Sunflower Seeds…How Can I Get Some?! Anyone In The Know, Please Enlighten Me!

  6. myfriend says:

    how do ypu make sunfl

  7. DrQuack says:

    Where do we find sunflower soup?

  8. tinygma says:

    Try honey dipped sunflower seeds and salted caramel sweet an sour,chocolate dipped or baked barb que

  9. 77soccerPRO77 says:

    I don’t have one of these…. Anyway my grandson, Owen0609 had a birthday recently and he wanted to do a party pack but it would not allow him to invite anyone….do these still work???? Will they ever work again? Will we ever be able to visit other pets homes again?? Do we really need the doors? lol Just a few questions. Can you please answer the party pack one, he’s very excited about having a party on webkinz since we can’t have a real party. Thank you soo much…stay safe everyone

  10. EarthLover22 says:

    I love sorbet, but the lemon sundrops look amazing!

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