Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!


Hi everyone, Steve Webkinz here. In today’s special report, I’m going to take a look at growing gardens in your yard.



For those who’ve been playing in Webkinz World for a while, you’ll know that you can find seed packets in the WShop under the Fun Stuff category.





Once you drag and drop your seeds into either an outdoor or treetop room, unlike before, you’ll no longer need to maintain them before they’re ready for harvest. After enough days have passed, you’ll see your plants are ready.



Click on them to send the grown food to your Dock. The harvested plant will return to its initial growth state and start the clock on growing again.


*Technical note: You can move Growing Garden items around a room at any time without affecting their growth timeline, but if you remove it from the room by sending it back to the Dock, it will be reset.





Plants will remain ready for harvest until you click on them and will never rot. Harvested food can either be fed to your pet or sold back to the WShop for KinzCash. Becoming a Webkinz farmer is a great way to earn lots of KinzCash!





Here is a look at the Growing Garden seeds available for KinzCash and how long they take before they’re ready to harvest!


*Technical note: Each Growing Gardens plant grows only 1 food item.




Note: Most Growing Garden seeds in the WShop available for eStore points take 7 days before they’re ready for harvest.


Have YOU been growing YOUR garden? And what would you like me to report on next? Let me know in the comments below!


84 Responses to Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!

  1. Oldshowsrock58 says:

    I remember when we got several strawberries and a few others per seed. I think only pumpkin and watermelon gave us one. I do kinda miss taking care of the seeds. Maybe there should be an option when we plant a seed to take care of it or let it grow on its own. ~angel~

  2. snuggles565 says:

    Speaking of seeds, the wheel of deluxe is broken, because the green apple tree seeds arent on the wheel. The wheel is broken anyways, its not just the seeds.

  3. Jessmine2 says:

    Thanks, Steve, for the harvesting days info!! I know it was a lot of trouble, but I kind of miss the maintenance. I also liked the corn when it wilted to use for Halloween and fall decorations. Gardening is definitely a good way to earn KinzCash!

  4. Bernie3333 says:

    Just adding: I’m missing ‘Zali – Tricky Zums’.

  5. Bernie3333 says:

    Thanks for the report! Is there a way of not having to click on ‘ok’ everytime you harvest a plant and not have anything pop up? It used to be we’d get more than 1 plant so seeing how many we got was always fun but it’s not needed now since we can see them being added in the new section of the dock. Also, in ‘Rock the Boat’ in Vacation Island. can a button be added that we can click on anytime to show us the pieces collected? Thanks, Steve. Oh, and (Hey!) do you have any tips on finding that one last zum needed? It’s been a couple of years and I’ve pretty much played daily for sure this last year and it’s elusive!

    • DragonIsles says:

      omg!YES on that pop up finally going away. That thing is actually worse than harvesting one plant at a time in general and a bunch of other glitches combined. So much hassle.

  6. KSC says:

    Hi Steve!! Thank you for another great report and for the nice graphic with the harvest time information. My Webkinz pets love gardening! We’re growing pumpkins, watermelons, corn, tomatoes, strawberries and even a jack-o-lantern. We also have a nice orchard with green and red apple trees as well as orange, macadamia nut and date palm trees. I was very happy to see cucumber and peach seeds as Fall Fest prizes!

  7. frogwoman09 says:

    When are we going to be able to sell the fall seeds (chili’s, pea pods etc). You’re giving us more in the fall prizes and we already have too many that we can’t sell.

    • Snowlico says:

      If you don’t want all those seeds you can add me as a friend and send them to me. I would really like to get a lot more variety of seeds and lots of each. I’m sur there are other users that are also wanting them too. I’ve recently been sent some various apple seeds (Which I really appreciate.) and would definitely enjoy a lot more of any seeds.

  8. 1miruna says:

    thank you Steve for the information. a good day I wish you all.

  9. Beckinz8 says:

    Thanks for the ‘time-to-harvest’ chart. Sometimes it seems like my plants are just sitting day after day, and I wonder if they will ever get ripe. Other times it seems like they all come in at once. I never time the plants to see if they are actually ripening the way that you listed above. The tomatoes do seem to take forever though. And they give a really small boost to the hunger meter, so I only planted a couple for variety. Thanks also for showing the resale values. I just use my veggies to feed my hungry horde, but maybe I’ll start to sell the higher resale items. Can the tech wizards create some kind of shortcut so we can harvest a whole room faster? (Did you time how long it took for you to harvest each of those 100 plants? I am curious because I don’t have any rooms that are completely planted because I put in path tiles and other items to decorate my farms.)

  10. tinygma says:

    It seams no one listens but CAN you make it so some of us can SELL PUMPKINS an other foods 100 AT A TIME !! WITH 5000 pumpkinz I can’t get caught up it takes FOREVER !

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