Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!


Hi everyone, Steve Webkinz here. In today’s special report, I’m going to take an updated look at all you need to know about Pet Medallions!





If you don’t know anything about our Pet Medallion system for adopting pets, you’ll want to first read our introduction to Pet Medallions here.





There are currently a total of 26 different pets that you can adopt with Pet Medallions.


Not only do different pets require different amounts of medallions to adopt them, but the chance of getting each medallion has different rarities as well. Here’s a look at each pet’s medallion value and rarity:









Out of these 24 pets, 2 of them (the Rainbow Googles and the Diamond Dragonfly) are exclusive to the Pet Medallion system, which means it’s the only way that you can adopt them!


Also exclusive to the Pet Medallion system are the seasonal Snowy Retriever Puppy and the Kiwi Bird, but those medallions can only be collected during special events. We most recently ran a Snowy Retriever Puppy floating medallion event during the 2019 holiday season, and then gave away a special 25 pack of medallions in the 2019 Christmas Gift.





There is also an “Any Pet” Pet Medallion that can be collected and used towards any of the pets. When you get one, it is automatically added to the Any Pet Medallion counter on your Pet Medallions screen. You can then add it to a specific pet by selecting that pet in the Medallions tab and then clicking the Any Pet Medallions transfer button in the top left (orange) area of your screen.





If you’ve collected 10 medallions for a pet, you can also trade them for 1 Any Pet Medallion. Just select that pet and then click on the exchange button on the bottom left (blue) area of your screen.





There are now many more ways to collect Pet Medallions than there were when we first launched this feature.


Arcade games marked with a red gift box can award prizes for a “Great Play” (i.e., a specific score threshold). One of the prizes included in those drops are Pet Medallions. All games in the Webkinz mobile app Arcade can award a prize drop.


The “Great Play” score is different for each game. We can’t tell you what those scores are because there is only a chance that you’ll get a prize drop if you hit it, however we have recently increased the odds of getting a prize drop when getting a “Great Score”.





You can also get a Pet Medallion in your Daily Delivery, so there’s a chance you’ll win one each day that you log into your Webkinz account.





We’ve also added a floating Pet Medallion that you can click on and collect 1 additional medallion per day.





Deluxe Members also get a Deluxe Pet Medallion Gift Box among their monthly prizes. Inside is a random assortment of rare, uncommon and common Pet Medallions, including a chance at getting an Any Pet Medallion!




NEW: If you use your SPREE rolls every day, you may already know that we’ve added a Pet Medallion 5 Pack to the Kinzville Mall! If you have 500 Mall Credits to spend when you get there, you can pick up this pack containing 5 random Pet Medallions!



How is YOUR Pet Medallion collection going? And what would you like me to report on next? Let me know in the comments below!


86 Responses to Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!

  1. Elizabeh says:

    Steve, thank you SO MUCH for this explanation. I must take a screen shot ( if I can remember how ! ) for future reference. You or one of the other wonderful Ganz folk must have seen my recent desperate request concerning these medallions. I admit to still being overwhelmed,(!) hence the screenshot ! THANK YOU again

  2. ArcanineEspeon says:

    I’m with everybody else! The idea that a Rainbow Googles is common is laughable! Since August, across 3 accounts, I’ve collected a total of 2 of its medallions! :P

  3. 2BSilly123 says:

    Steve, you forgot to mention that you also have a chance to get a medallion from the wheel of wow. (Although I never have much luck!) :)

  4. 50ishwebbies says:

    Thanks so much Steve; This is quite helpful!!!

  5. miamama says:

    I finally have enough for the Rainbow Googles!! Yippeeee! Now I need to pick a name… Ideas anyone? :)

    • szivarvany5 says:

      How about Arco Iris, that is rainbow in spanish, or Arcobaleno, which is Italian for rainbow? Or something like Color Storm, if you like the reference?

  6. Mila14 says:

    I have received 6 pets from the Pet Medallion Collection. In the order I received them are: Tree Frog, Panda, Cheeky Monkey, Blossom Fish, Pig and Whimsy Dragon. I am one medallion away from Raccutie the raccoon, that is after I got one from the Daily Floaty and one from Spree today. Of course, I also have the Puppy and Kiwi Bird. I love that these count for the Superbeds. Before the medallions, I only had two superbeds. Now, I am about to receive my fourth. Yay! Also, please fix the Peek-a-Newz. I need the Garnet Mosaic Tiles and haven’t received one this month. Thanks.

  7. Chocodile601 says:

    No way the rainbow googles is common! They’re soo hard to get!

    • frogmom says:

      I agree! It and the diamond dragonfly are “rare” IMO. I do almost have the tree frog on both accounts. I guess my tree frog will get a girlfriend. One is close to the monkey. Not sure what to do with a monkey, but all are welcome. (playing as a regular member)

  8. Savigny2 says:

    I’m having the same issue as raysgirl, where nothing is showing up in the events tab here, but since there is a recent post for February Peek-A-Newz, I’m thinking there’s just a bug or a glitch. I was sure hoping to catch 1 more day of January’s Peek-A-Newz though, so I hope it’s fixed by this afternoon :-)

  9. KittyXCat says:

    I have been collecting medallions since they came out and I have never gotten an any pet medallion. Has this happened to anyone else, or is it just me?

    • huggablehoneys4ever says:

      You can’t win them, you get them by converting 10 other pet medallions

      • BH1464 says:

        If you read this post carefully, you can win an “Any Pet Medallion”. I however am in the same position as KittyXCat. I have also been collecting medallions since they care out and the only Any Pet Medallions I have are for exchanging 10 of a certain pet medallion for 1 Any Pet Medallion. I have not yet won an Any Pet Medallion.

    • mirforbas says:

      The only “any pet” medallions I have ever received were in my monthly Deluxe gift box (and even that has only been 5 of them in one year). So I’m thinking maybe they’re not being awarded in the other ways. Maybe it’s a glitch, or maybe they are just that rare. However, I have gotten enough pet medallions from playing arcade games to adopt 6 pets on one account. So I collect a lot of medallions and have still never seen the “any pet” one awarded.

  10. kaye10 says:

    soo I need some advice here, please: I have the rainbow googles now (love her!!) … I am torn between the English spot bunny (only 100, but rare) and the diamond dragonfly (200, but only “uncommon”). question — will it take about the same amount of time no matter which I choose? thanks much, k.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Hi @kaye10! I don’t know if this will help, but I have been collecting medallions pretty regularly since the program started. So far, I have 11/100 for the English Spot Bunny, and 16/200 for the Diamond Dragonfly. The odds appear to be better for the bunny, but as the medallions seem to be awarded randomly, someone else could have completely different odds. And now that I said that, the medallions are going to pour in for the dragonfly! Haha! Good luck saving for your dream pet!

    • ArcanineEspeon says:

      I think that it’s actually a wise idea to keep every pet medallion you get, unless it’s a pet you specifically don’t want. 10 to 1 is unfortunately a very poor return rate for Anypet medallions :(

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