Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!


Steve Webkinz here, as we wind down 2017, I thought this would be a good opportunity to look back at the evolution of the Webkinz mobile app!





Several years ago, some select Webkinz arcade games were converted to work as standalone apps on the Apple App Store. Each of those games had to be completely re-written in a new code format (“Objective-C”) because the original version, coded for Adobe Flash Player, was too “memory heavy” to work on mobile devices. And because all of Webkinz.com was written in “Flash”, it wasn’t possible for it to work in mobile app web browsers.


By this time, it was apparent that Flash Player had a limited future, which meant that Webkinz had to change in order to survive. We began investigating Adobe’s mobile coding system called “AIR”, which would allow for an easier conversion of Flash programs.


In 2013, we launched the Webkinz Pet Care app, a companion app to Webkinz World which allowed players to interact with pets on their Webkinz.com account using a mobile device. This initial version was very limited, with the ability to feed and dress your pet outside of the room. It has its own mobile Wheel of Wow and a small arcade with just three converted games which could award KinzCash when it synched up to an account.




The following year, we added bathing, a mobile WShop, and even a new pet room that was able to show the pet and a limited number of room items.



From the beginning, the Webkinz Pet Care app was intended to be the first step in a larger evolution for the game. In 2015, on the 10th anniversary of Webkinz World, we launched “Webkinz X”. It introduced the new concept of the Pet Care Heart, Family Score and milestone prizes, along with Pet Requests.



It also involved moving the new mobile room engine onto web and creating a new Dock. This was a massive undertaking, which required every item on the site to be converted into the new code format. With tens of thousands of items already in existence, third party contractors were brought in to help convert everything. Unfortunately, due to the complexity and scope of the work involved, the process wasn’t as efficient as planned. Many items that were supposed to be fixed either didn’t work properly or weren’t even appearing.


Since then, our team of artists and programmers has continued to fix items while converting and adding more features into the Webkinz mobile app. Most recently, we’ve added a new bath and sink activity, along with a brand new Adoption Center. Our mobile Arcade now also features a large number of games that can be played on the go!



This past year, it was officially announced by Adobe that they would be discontinuing Flash Player for web browsers in 2020. For Webkinz, once that happens, the mobile version of Webkinz will be the only version of the game. For those that still prefer to play on desktop or laptop computers, in 2018 we will be launching a version of the Webkinz mobile app that can be downloaded onto your computer and played without using a web browser.



Over the next two years, we will continue to move features over to the Webkinz mobile app, so that as much of the current game as possible can be enjoyed for years to come. Keep watching Webkinz Newz for all the updates about the continuing evolution of Webkinz!


This has been Steve Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz! What would you like me to report on in 2018? Let me know in the comments below.


175 Responses to Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!

  1. metaknight200 says:

    Instead of making the Webkinz mobile version the “New” Webkinz for the laptop as well, couldn’t you just copy it and make it its own game for the computer like it is now? I like having it the way it currently is, and I would hate to play the mobile one on my computer. It stinks knowing you guys spent on that time making “Webkinz X” for the computer only for this to happen. Also, doesn’t Amazing world use Unity? if so, couldn’t you switch Webkinz over to that? I just have to ask because its been on my mind ever since this article came out.

  2. attilathehoney says:

    Exactly what steps will we have to take to download webkinz on our computers? Will we be given instructions on how to do this when the time comes?

    • LuckyFinnigan says:

      I think it will be go to App Store/Google Playstore, find app, press download to desktop, create shortcut and VOILA, fait accompli!

      • penguinlove1 says:

        It’s possible that the good ole’ Webkinz site would become the place you go to and download it. I mean, when you click “Play Now!” if you have it installed (this is 2020) it’ll open the game. However, if you don’t something will come up saying “You need to download Webkinz” and then you download it. This year, maybe when you are on the login page to Webkinz, perhaps there’ll be a button that reads “Download Webkinz” or something. But we won’t know till’ it happens, sadly.

  3. goldwing says:

    I do hope Steve will answer our concerns. Will the flash version of Webinz be playable until 2020? or is being discontinued all together in 2018? I have 1000s of tokens in the wish machine. Should I trade them in? I have 1000s of Pachinko seeds. Should I play them? What will happen to these features? While I understand the sentiment of animalsmatter1, buy Ganz products to support them. At almost 30% exchange for Canadians, I will play at a wait and see what happens.

    • JoSieEmmy says:

      Will the code shop still be available on the downloaded version? I just bought a bunch of trading cards off of Ebay.

    • Beaglehounds says:

      That’s an insane markup why does ganz do that to its own country’s players? That’s crazy.

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        Ganz doesn’t do it, Canada does. They have extra taxes added on to purchases. But hey, nobody loses their home to medical bills in Canada! I’d love to be able to live in Canada.

        • goldwing says:

          1Emerald1…you are incorrect. Canadian players are charged in US dollars and right now the exchange rate is roughly 30%. This is a business decision made by Ganz. This is nothing to do with “Canada” or the taxes, which I also pay. I am sorry if you are losing your house. If that is the case maybe web games should not be played?

  4. Vaderesque says:

    Still noticed that there’s no reply about being able to use trading rooms, chat plus parks, getting prizes from hosts, etc. That makes me worried!!!

    • Vaderesque says:

      After all, I’m not sure how interested I’d be in buying new outfits or pets if I can’t share them IN PERSON while I chat! Also, buying things like cracker prizes where you get repeats of so many items would be even more frustrating (so I wouldn’t do it) if I couldn’t trade the unwanted or repeat items! Could someone with Ganz give us a heads up about whether or not these things will be possible once Flash is gone: Parties, Trading room trades, Chat Plus parks!

  5. oudoll2 says:

    Thanks for the heads up!! I know this amazing Webkinz tech team will do their very best for us!

  6. momno1 says:

    My gut instinct is that Adobe is pure evil, as compton97 wrote. But, like ferretfuzzbut, I have no idea what Flash player is, what it does, or why it’s the one and only thing that can allow us to continue enjoying WW.com as it is today. It seems to me I periodically have to update Flash, so, doesn’t that mean that I HAVE FLASH on my computer now and forever? Can’t I keep using it with any games that currently use it? Recently my dad gave me his old iPhone, but I have no idea how to use it and, like animalsmatter1, I can’t deal with such a small screen for more than a few minutes. kaye10 and gml1939, I, too, have taken over accounts from young folks who “outgrew” Webkinz World (LOL!!) and have a zillion pets on 16 accounts plus innumerable not-yet-logged-in plush. (Oh, and ALL the unopened gift boxes in my dock — they are way too pretty to open!) I still mourn the loss of Webkinz Friends, but at least I don’t ever have to endure Facebook again, right ADSL01? I join puppies4me and EmeraldCity feeling very anxious about losing something in which I have invested way too much time and money. Part of me hopes I will hate the new format and that I will clear out all the “useless” plush I’ve accumulated and start living a life in the real world instead of my WW mansion. But, in for a penny, in for a pound, grandpascutie, can you find out how much Flash would cost and we’ll start a crowd-funding campaign to buy it? (No, I don’t know how to do that…) Steve, please keep giving us updates, and help us understand how we can best help. You can tell people have strong feelings, although, in the scheme of things, how many of us would it take to make a difference? Probably my favorite part of WW is submitting room designs to share with other Webkins fans. Will that be a thing of the past? Should this discussion be moved to a forum in which we actually get ANSWERS to our many questions? And should we still keep buying stuff? Are we throwing good money after bad, or would it be an investment in keeping hope alive?

    • dixiecup says:

      I can answer the submission part for Steve. I’ve been playing in the app since it was launched. They have a nifty camera in the corner to snap in room pics that you can easily send through mobile. It’s even faster than doing it ‘old school’ or through the gallery. Just so you know, you can ‘pinch-widen’ your screen on the app, too. I’ve had to do that to make sure my pets jump on the trampoline, run the treadmill, play in the pool and jump into bed to get my heart full. It takes a little getting used to. The GREAT thing is that the floaties are very visible and they do float better in mobile (I always had trouble on the site getting them) than they do on my PC. I’m looking forward to transition. I think our Webbies are in very good hands!

    • animalsmatter1 says:

      Hi momno1!! You’re going to be okay!!! You’re just in a slump-shock right now: a slump created by the shock of the changes coming to WW. First of all, you’re not missing much of “life in the real world”—I’m in “the real world” everyday; and trust me: WW is a much better place! (I would LIVE in Webkinz World, if I could figure out how to do it!) Second: anything that brings you joy, or makes you smile, is definitely not “useless”. I have hundreds of Webkinz: (but I only have 60 logged on.) I buy the plushies simply because they are so adorable. I have them displayed in glass-fronted cabinets, in baskets, in the guest room beds, and sitting on old school desk chairs. Does this make me a little nuts? No–no more nuts than people who choose to collect paperweights, or dolls, or matchbooks (you would be surprised what people collect.) But if it makes you happy, and it’s your hobby and your interest–it is definitely not “useless”. We are the ones who define what is important to us, and what is useful to us, (and if other people don’t like it or don’t understand it, oh well, too bad for them.) It sounds as if you truly enjoy WW—and you have a ‘mansion’—that’s awesome! I bet it’s beautiful! I bet you put a lot of heart and soul into decorating it, and I have a feeling your pets are well-cared for and truly loved. So keep doing it!! And don’t stop buying Webkinz items. 1Emerald1 made an excellent point: Now is not the time to abandon the Ganz Company. And I completely agree with this!! I plan to keep buying pets, points, any Webkinz items I want. Ganz won’t succeed in this transition if we stop buying their product. It is not feasible to believe Ganz can buy Flash; or that we as a community can raise money to enable Ganz to buy Flash——technology is always evolving—if Flash is going out in 2020, there are probably many reasons for that. It’s probably outlived it’s usefulness. (we don’t listen to music on a Victrola anymore, do we?) But we can keep buying Webkinz items, and as such, we support Ganz in their effort to upgrade the transition from Flash to the mobile and computer app. If Ganz loses sale, they lose money. If they lose money, they can’t afford to pay their bills. If they can’t afford to pay their bills, then for sure there will be no WW. So the best way for our community to come together in support of all these changes is to buy Ganz products. Have a great day, momno1! And Happy New Year to you!

    • barkopinko1916 says:

      Flash Player is like an addon within the browser, a program that can run apps that run on flash code, like most of the Webkinz website games and areas of the site which run on this code. Adobe, the creator of Flash Player, announced they would discontinue the program, aka not letting it be usable anymore, in 2020. You have the program, but Adobe has the rights to the program and can get rid of it at any time… like any company with any product Webkinz included. I hope this answers your question.

    • animalsmatter1 says:

      Hi again, momno1–and all my WKN friends: I was on just on my WW accounts a few minutes ago, and it seems I only have about 50 pets logged on…..So, there you go, I don’t even know how many pets I have adopted! lol. But I keep them all fed, exercised, and filled to 100% happy-heart–(which is why I don’t adopt too many; I’m just afraid it would become too many pets to care for.)……I dolove my virtual pets, that’s for sure! LOL That said, as I’ve already mentioned, I have hundreds of Webkinz plushies. I love them; they are so cute, so well made, and every plushie has been a lift to my spirits. Which is why I am now again posting: Earlier, when I replied to momno1′s post, I was a little glib and and sarcastic about the “real world”……….The real world can definitely be drag; I can post volumes on this….But what I failed to mention is that the “real world” can also be a very touching, warm place. And I regret I didn’t mention that earlier in my post. I should have. Because over the years, I’ve found a fun way to give back to the community is to buy Webkinz pets for seniors, who might not have access to or be able to afford Webkinz, but would benefit from the joy Webkinz offers. I don’t want to get into too many details, because our moderators are wonderful about protecting our privacy, but I have purchased and donated many Webkinz pets to local nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. The recreation therapists at those facilities are able to use Webkinz to keep their senior clients engaged and happy. And even though some seniors are unable to use the computer, the nursing assistants, volunteers, and recreation therapists help them to use the computer, and play Webkinz. The seniors love it! They have a lot of fun; and seniors love to cuddle with a stuffed animal! As we all endeavor to support Ganz through this technology transition, I thought it might be a good idea to mention this, because it’s a win-win for everyone–for your local seniors, (or youngsters!!!!), for Ganz, and also: it truly feels wonderful to do something for your community. Christmas is not the only time for giving—it’s a fabulous feeling to give at any time of the year. I directed this post to momno1, because she had mentioned she doesn’t get out much–but I do sense her deep affection for Webkinz—so perhaps, she might want to share her love of Webkinz with local seniors or youngsters. momno1: it would get you out a bit, it would keep you in the game (yay!), and it would benefit Ganz. (A practical note for my Webkinz USA friends: Presently, under the U.S. tax code, charitable donations are tax deductible. Tax laws are about to change in the U.S. so if that’s a consideration for anyone, just learn about the new rules regarding contributions so you can be sure how purchasing items for donation will affect your finances.) Go Ganz!! and YAY, Webkinz!

      • LuckyFinnigan says:

        I hope this post does not get missed! It certainly IS a beneficial site. If you have an older person and a younger person bonding over something so sweet? How can you lose? The plus side is the spatial, eye-hand co-ordination, walking from room to room remembering where you were and where you’re going. One of the first things they look at with dementia/Alzheimer’s is the ability to navigate as they frequently get lost. Adventure park has ALL THAT! Animals-matter, your post is very, very relevant answer to an aging population!

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      Hi momno1. I just wanted to put out there that Adobe isn’t “evil” for ending Flash Player. When the internet was new, Flash Player was great and enabled many things like game sites to happen. But that technology (“plug-ins”) is now outdated, doesn’t work as well with the newer browsers, most of which have plug-in type functions already built into them, and has caused a lot of issues. Like the endless frustrating crashes & glitches in Webkinz World…and insane battery drains on peoples’ computers, and security issues too. Adobe is retiring Flash because the technology is past its’ prime, not because they’re evil!

  7. red2white says:

    I dont use Webkinz mobil app I like internet dont change it.

    • LuckyFinnigan says:

      It’s ok, they’re making an app that you can put on your computer. This way you’ll have a shortcut button and you can go there, instead of into your browser.

  8. damamma says:

    This is terrifying! Will Webkinz even be worth playing? The app is ok, but if that was all there was, I certainly wouldn’t waste money buying points or pets.

  9. Elessar says:

    I’m as far away from ‘tech-savvy’ as it’s possible to get, so to say I’m bewildered would be an understatement. I do not have a mobile device (nor do I want one). And anyway, those screens are too small to derive any enjoyment from playing on them. You’ve told us there’s to be a desktop version, but will it be compatible with ANY desktop? No matter how old it is? And how much of what we currently know and love will be transferable? Will we still have all these wonderful events/floaties/features we’ve been so blessed to enjoy all these years? Steve, since I’m so tech-challenged, I’m more unsettled by this report than am comforted by it. So, for me, a little ‘hand-holding’ (that is, more explanations, in layman’s terms) will be really helpful in allaying my fears.

    • dixiecup says:

      Elessar, don’t worry! I’m pretty sure that it will start very simply (like the mobile version) it will begin as a platform for a greater structure they can build on. Right now all of the stuff that you have/own in WW Is already available on mobile and I think the app will be identical in its operation. (It will have to be as you move from one device to another) the floaties are available on mobile, already. I think they actually work better, there. I have way more success picking them up. They have two years and extra hands helping to move things from one place to another. In that time and with the outside help, I’m sure we’ll have access to just about all we know and love about Webkinz. Even if we lose a couple of the sites features to gain better functionality, it will still be a fun place to go to. There was a long stretch in the beginning as they fixed known issues in the clubhouse so a lot of us turned to fan sites to communicate. It’s a minor inconvenience, but it solved a problem interim. Now we have the forums, here and the magic of Facebook, Twitter and several well known fan sites to augment. If we all work together we can have our Webkinz World and still enjoy it.

  10. Vaderesque says:

    Is there not some way that Ganz and the many other online games that use Flash could come to some agreement–maybe even purchase the rights to–to keep Flash going? If not, can the conversion you mention that allows mobile use still use web browsers to do things like chat in the park, have parties, etc? Many of my webkinz friends stay to chat (using chat plus) with people we’re VERY good friends with, so being able to do the mobile stuff isn’t our priority! [Don't get me wrong, I want to be able to see my pets, rooms, etc., but the priority is keeping in touch with our webkinz friends--especially since you don't allow us to give out email, etc.]

    • AUNT09 says:

      they do give out emails !! also they say, go look at the book…. meaning face book. keep buying webkinz ? Where ? all our stores stop selling them. i hope this works out for everyone !!

      • animalsmatter1 says:

        Hi Aunt09! I buy most of my Webkinz from the Ganz Store, or on other online stores. If you do a google search, many reputable stores will come up, so you’ll have lots of places to choose from. I also have bought some Webkinz on Amazon, and that worked out well. Good luck, and happy shopping!

      • LuckyFinnigan says:

        I get it from the retail perspective. They aren’t making as much money from Webkinz as they used to, so they’ve stoped stocking them. The Ganz estore is a great place to get your pets from. You have the added advantage of not having a ‘body’ to find a home for (otherwise I’d be swimming in Webkinz by now). Or you can purchase new release plush for a nominal fee and free shipping. The total all together doesn’t even cost what a new plush in your local store would cost. (Once they get the plush delivery back up and running). Many vendors are moving more toward online purchase because of the low overhead so it’s cost effective for both the vendor and consumer.

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