Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!


Hi everyone, Steve Webkinz here. In today’s special report, let’s take a look at the return of badges!



Badges were launched as part of My Page, one of the more complicated and little used parts of Webkinz World. The main problem with the badges was that only 3 could be displayed at a time on the My Profile page, plus players never knew how to earn any of them.





To fix this, we’ve added a My Badges button in the Things to Do menu where you can easily access your collection of Badges.





Not only can you see the badges you’ve already earned, you can also see all of the badges that can still be unlocked. And better yet—if you want to know how to earn a badge, all you have to do is click on it! The name of the Badge and a description on how to earn it will appear at the top.





There are some badges that can no longer be earned because the functionality or section where it could be unlocked no longer exists, so those badges have been retired. If you already earned one of these badges, it will still appear in your collection—but if you haven’t, it will not appear.


My Badges will also be added to the Webkinz mobile app after the next app update. Badges that can only be earned while using the website version of Webkinz are noted by the text “(Web only)” appearing at the end of the badge description.


Now with all of these badges to unlock, there’s more reason to play Webkinz every day!


This has been Steve Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz! What are some other features in Webkinz World you’d like to know more about? Let me know in the comments below.


63 Responses to Special Report – With Steve Webkinz!

  1. machaela says:

    Hi Steve. Thanks for the update. I have a problem with the badges. I try to click on one to get the info on how to get it and it says something about “nuts and bolts” and logs me right out of Webkinz. Is this happening for others too? Is this fixable?

  2. 1Emerald1 says:

    Hi Steve, thanks for another informative report. I have several questions. I’d like to know whether the Kinzville Park and the Adventure Park will be making the transition to the new App, and also how ganz will be handling the Social Media aspects of the game at that point. Will we still be able to chat in the Park? Or will that be limited to the comments and forums on the Newz? Will you guys still have your YouTube channel? Thank you.

    • greencar says:

      All good questions! Will we still have the Kinzville Academy? Will Artie still be with us? He’s one of my favorites! Can’t imagine a world without my webkinz so keep working hard!!!! And-thanks for keeping us updated!

  3. megamom12 says:

    Thank you so much for the information Steve Webkinz. To be honest the Badges were my favorite part of My Page so I’m really quite pleased to see the new format. Change is hard sometimes, but the reasoning is understandable and I for one am very glad that you got ahead of the situation and did something about the need for the new support base for the game. It has been a HUGE undertaking and you’ve all done very well! You have also been very good about giving us information about the whys and wherefores along the line. Thank you so very much from myself and all of my ‘pets’! <3

  4. animalsmatter1 says:

    Thanks for the Special Report, Steve! The badges are adorable; I had forgotten about them, so when they returned, it was a fun surprise.

  5. ladysparklez99 says:

    please tell us exaclty when u are removing moneyz, plz!

  6. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    I’m glad the badges are back, but I was really kinda hoping for the My Page to come back too.. It was fun and interesting to look at when I wanted to learn more about my friends, plus fun to set up. I know it wasn’t used that often, but I think it’d be cool if you could remake a simplified version and have it so it is used more often. I dunno exactly how that would work, but maybe you could have it right in the Kinzchat phone. Like, just click on a friend and it would have an option to look at their My Page. I don’t know, it would just be cool, but I do appreciate the Badges coming back!

    • ladysparklez99 says:

      i have a problemo with a badge…. I have way over 8 hosts yet i havent earned the badge. please fix this, my user is ladysparklez909 if needed.

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Ah, me and you both, emi! I mean, don’t get wrong… I’m glad that the badges are back now, though I will admit… I am kinda disappointed, because I was really looking forward to a My Page “replacement” of sorts. It was so fun looking at everyone’s profiles, and I loved a lot of the features on there! (Like being able to design your page and do those silly “fill in the blank” stories) I hope they at least consider, like you said, even doing a ‘simplified’ version of it, you know? Even if we just get to see each other’s pets and design our own little “page”, that would be cool (also, speaking of the “Badges” feature, I hope they someday make a way for us to view other player’s badges… I think that would be cool)

  7. FoxesRule612 says:

    Ah, will the rest of My Page ever be available besides the badges?? I’d sure hope so…I miss looking at other peoples’ pets and profiles. =(

  8. slayer0703 says:

    there’s a couple badges i should have but they say i don’t have them.

  9. kaye10 says:

    hi steve, hey thanks for the update–i like having an additional place to go for challenges (& enjoy my little badge trophy room, so to speak) …i have found several issues with the badges and have already sent the info to CS who is to get it to the appropriate tech dept. looking forward to those fixes & working toward the few badges i don’t have which i can “actually” get (wink ;) best, k.

  10. beaubo says:

    Thank you, I like looking at my badges that I have earned and the description of each one. I still need a few more mostly for the games. I am going to work on the 300 pet badge. How exciting.

    • ladysparklez99 says:

      there is a badge for over 300 pets?! wow! i only have around 50 pets….

      • ladysparklez99 says:

        and that is over a course of 2 years, i came in april of 2016! I really regret the times i got webkinz on birthdays when i didn’t know about webkinz world…. i threw away a clydsdayle hore tag away along with a pink poodle.

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        Although I’ve been playing for 10 years, I “only” have about 50 pets too, ladysparkelz99, though that seems like a lot to me! I realized early on that I don’t have space to house an infinite, ever-expanding collection of stuffed animals, thus my decision to go for the Signatures, I’d buy one of them instead of 2 or 3 regular Webkinz. Later on I decided to spend some of my allotted game funds on Deluxe & eStore points instead of tons more pets, and finally, I opened up to the possibility of virtual pets. I can’t imagine having 100, much less 300 Webkinz, I’d have to move to a bigger house! Also, I would have thrown away the tag from my first Webkinz too but my kids, who’d given it to me, were all over me about that! “Don’t throw away the tag, Mom, it unlocks the best part!” And, they were right!

        • gemrysforest says:

          They used to say — in spite of that badge — not to actually put 300 (or even 200) pets on an account. I have one account that is 8 short of 200, and a ouple others at or over the 100 pet mark, and the rest are straggling much further behind. Emerald, I got into Webkinz 13 years ago because my daughter got grounded at her father’s and begged me to babysit her pig, Georgia. Before the week ended, Georgia had several new friends, and I was fully addicted and well on my way to where the sun never sets on my Webkinz Empire.

          • TropicalGirl says:

            That is a wonderful story, gemrysforest, thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. You’ve been playing a long time! I thought I was a long-timer and I’ve “only” been playing about 9(ish) years. I think I love it more every year! :)

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            LOL gemrysforest! “The sun never sets on my Webkinz Empire”….funny!

        • kaye10 says:

          oh i love all the stories–thanks for sharing! you would all faint if i said i am nearing 800 pets–i save ALL the tags and i give most of the plush pets to needy children or preschools. of course, i have a few plush faves i will always keep; we have a small bin full of ones we had our child choose to save, perhaps for his children one day!)…. but i love the virtual pets, as it is just a little simpler…. as for the house, I AM THRILLED THEY CAME OUT WITH A MODERN ONE–YIPPEE FOR ME!, and as for my rooms, i have an entire city with everything imaginable a city needs ;) best to all, k.

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