Spin the Summer Sensation Super Wheel Tomorrow!


Get ready to spin the Summer Sensation Super Wheel!


You can spin the wheel by visiting the Today’s Activities schedule on the Webkinz Classic desktop app, but it will only be available on Friday, June 28th… so don’t forget!


There are lots of cool prizes to be won this year! Here’s a sneak peek:



Which prizes do YOU want to win on the Summer Sensation Wheel? Let us know in the comments below!



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34 Responses to Spin the Summer Sensation Super Wheel Tomorrow!

  1. Strawberrykinz72 says:

    Hoping for the Jam Makers Pantry! I just started a room with the Stove from that theme. Summer Fun Tricycle or Bloom’s Tree would be nice also.

  2. Alleycats2012 says:

    Will there be a super wheel or anything happening in Next?

  3. unifreebee says:

    Bloom’s Amazing Tree would be amazing *fingers crossed* plus it’s the only exciting thing that I don’t have already.

  4. starrie says:

    I hope the summer fun tricycle. It would be so much fun!

  5. flower370 says:

    Does anybody have an extra free sugarberry slippers they can spare from Deluxe Wednesday. I completely forgot.

  6. gingerdare says:

    I want the Jam Maker’s Pantry. It retired before I was able to get one and I’ve never seen it since.

  7. cardmaker22 says:

    Can someone please tell me why a Super Wheel for Summer has only 2 summer prizes? I joined in October of 2022 so I’m a newbie. Maybe this is normal but for me it’s extremely disappointing. I really want Bloom’s Amazing Tree but my chances of getting it are very slim. I was really hoping for a summer prize since I love creating outside rooms. Good luck everyone!

    • kalcan8 says:

      Welcome to the community! Don’t be discouraged. There are a lot of retired rare items on the wheel (the Majestic Throne is the top of my list!) You may surprise yourself and get exactly what you are looking for. If not, you can come on the trading forum here on Newz and try to trade for what you want. There is a very kind and generous community of players who are happy to help. May the spins be ever in your favor!

  8. sparklepasta says:

    Friendly froggy table!! Orjam makers pantry or that tree!!! I can’t wait :)

  9. rlla14 says:

    Oh, that’s a great array of prizes this time!! The retired rares are amazing!!

  10. DJ747 says:

    I’m hoping for a jam maker’s pantry or bloom’s amazing tree!

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