Spin the Super Wheel Christmas Day!


Don’t forget to visit Today’s Activities on Christmas Day for the chance to spin the Super Wheel! You get 1 chance to win one of the following prizes:


Webkinz Rockerz Limo


Fine Chocolatier Shop


Stately Bookshelf


Royal Blue Jeweled Egg


Royal Estate Bed


Party Machine



Remember, you have to visit Webkinz World on December 25th to spin the Super Wheel. Good luck!


113 Responses to Spin the Super Wheel Christmas Day!

  1. princessmurr says:

    All of these are just awesome! I especially love the limo, however, my mom will probably flip if I get on the computer on Christmas. Idk why, I guess she just makes that a no technology day, which I guess that makes sense…

  2. paperclip00 says:

    Wow, that party machine looks pretty cool! Are these items sendable and tradable?

  3. candyhugs14 says:

    all the prizes are super cool!

  4. dune456 says:

    I want them all!

  5. HushHushBoy says:

    I need the Stately Bookshelf! It’s one of the last few things I need to finish my pet’s bedroom!

  6. ImaPepper says:

    Cool! I only have one of those prizes, so the chances are pretty good I could win something I don’t have…yay! Thanks, Ganz!

  7. leilani75 says:

    Kewl! I wanna get the bed or chocolate shop!

  8. Mymantha says:

    I WANT the royal estate bed.It is the only piece i don’t have for that theme.

  9. linasiara123 says:

    I want the bookshelf or the bed the most and the chocolate shop as my third favourite!

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