Spirit Shops Fashions

Take a look at the cool Kinzville Academy clothing items in Webkinz Next!

The Spirit Shop is located in the Kinzville Academy and it’s a great place to spend your School Ribbons! We’ve stocked the Spirit Shop with school supplies and exclusive school-themed items.
There are four main school outfits sold at the Spirit Shop
Soccer Player


Marching Band



Since the items in the Spirit Shop change throughout the day, you may not have had a chance to collect everything. How many of these fashion items have you collected?


If you could add any kind of school outfit to the Spirit Shop, what would it be?

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15 Responses to Spirit Shops Fashions

  1. kkat says:

    Also a basketball outfit, a warm up suit, and a ski suit.

  2. kkat says:

    I would like a one-piece gym suit, running shorts and tank top, and a leotard for dance.

  3. forestsprite says:

    aw the fairy tiger is always so cute! Love the instruments :D

  4. memsrjoan says:

    School uniforms. I got some of the skirts and blouses during the apple event in Next, but no boys uniforms. Are you going to add other classroom items like desks, chairs, teacher desk, etc.?

  5. frog600 says:

    pom poms fror cheerleader? Showing art class outfit, how about matching face paint?

  6. chilipepe123 says:

    Football Player

  7. crystalfawns53 says:

    If there was any outfit I would recommend, it would probably be an academic swimsuit outfit to represent a swim team to match up with the rewards being given in Webkinz Classic. Otherwise, I think the outfits are great so far and I can’t wait to get them after I reach level 5 in all of the current skills.

  8. wk2nd says:

    Whatever outfit I would include at least one School Girl Outfit BOW, A Big cheerleader BOW with matching colors. let me say it again MORE BOWS please!!!

  9. Lemony2 says:

    Would love to see Football , chess club outfit, gymnastics and figure skating.

  10. SpiritRidingFree says:

    The KVA’s sports team never got a name, did they?

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