Spring Community Challenge Starts today!


Check back tomorrow after 9am to see if you reached your goal and if you won the Webkinz Aviary Wallpaper! Prize will be available for redemption for one day.

56 Responses to Spring Community Challenge Starts today!

  1. Droom13 says:

    The Flutterbugged game is not working for me, but I tried to play it a couple of times. I hope we can get the prize!

  2. Aslyl says:

    Good luck with the challenge everyone! I find the game gets near impossible when the flower to bee ratio is 1:10!

  3. Raven578 says:

    Does it matter how long you play on it?

  4. 1granny says:

    My arcade says Flutterbugged is for deluxe only. I can’t play but want to participate. Is there any way I can play?

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