Spring Room Design Winners!

We had so many wonderful room designs submitted to the Share Center and it was very difficult to choose, but we are pleased to announce our winner was 1Emerald1 with her “The Ugly Duckling” submission!

Here we have the Ugly Duckling, hiding in the water weeds, unaware that he’ll soon transform into one of the world’s most beautiful birds.This year’s Spring Celebration prizes were perfect for this room. The Ugly Duckling’s Pond

Congratulations, 1Emerald1, we’ll be in touch soon with your Spring Yard Bundle prize!   But let’s not forget out runners up! In no particular order:

A traditional Japanese Cherry Blossom festival is being hosted right in the middle of Kinzville this spring! -m4nticores


A little grassy hideaway overlooking kinzville – kittykilljoy


A fun spring picnic with egg decorating, baseball, and hot air balloon rides – huggablehoneys4ever


Springtime in the Badger Village – grandpascutie


moorland garden – golubm


April showers bring…mud puddles! What’s better than spending hte day in the mud – even mom gets in on the fun! – ferretfuzzbut


Time to enjoy beautiful spring weather with your friends from Webkinz World. – animalmomkls


I love sitting outside in my backyard gazebo garden on a sunny spring day. – Aggiemoomoo


After a long winter, the kinz get out into the spring sunshine. – acoolaunt

Congratulations, runnersup! We’ll be in touch with your Blossoming Tree & Carriage Duo prizes.

70 Responses to Spring Room Design Winners!

  1. DYLANZILLA1512 says:

    Great designs from everyone! Congratulations!!!!!

  2. griffoned says:

    Do you only accept large rooms? Because I submitted a medium room that I thought really stood out.

  3. ilovemoonie says:

    Congratulations to 1Emerald1 on winning the contest! I really loved your room, you did a great job designing it! :D And congratulations to the runner-ups as well, even though you didn’t win, your rooms were still awesome! Great job! :)

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      Thank you so very much! I agree that all the runner-up rooms were awesome! They’re all winners to me, so glad that everyone got cool prizes.

  4. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    Thanks so much for choosing my room!!

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      Congratulations, huggablehoneys4ever! I just love your spring picnic room with so many wonderful details! That wall paper is the perfect setting and you arranged it all so nicely!

  5. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    WoW! CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS m4nitcores, kittykilljoy, huggablehoneys4ever, ferretfuzzbut, animalmonks, Aggiemoomoo, and acoolaunt for being the runners up!!!!!! All of these rooms are very sweet! And a HUGE congratulations to Emerald for winning the prizes!!! I really wanted the Rainbow Flower display though. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone needs a new friend for their flower collection, friend 09xStarlightx09.

  6. kittymade10 says:

    My second favorite would be, I love sitting outside in my backyard gazebo garden on a sunny spring day. – Aggiemoomoo!

  7. CandyCornCrazy says:

    Acoolant, I really like the way you turned garden sheds into a house! The neighborhood you created looks awesome.

  8. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    Wow, congrats 1Emerald1! Your room design was truly amazing! :D

  9. greenmagic77 says:

    Congrats winners! They are all beautiful rooms!

  10. 1Emerald1 says:

    Oh my goodness, I’m in shock. Thank you, creative team, so very much! I’d like to extend my admiration to everyone who entered this contest, the submissions were simply beautiful. Congratulations to the runners up, m4nticores for their marvelous Cherry Blossom Festival, kittykilljoy for their lovely grassy hideaway, huggablehoneys4ever for their delightful spring picnic, grandpascutie for their wonderful badger village, golubm for their charming moorland garden, ferretfuzzbut for their too-much-fun mud room, animalmonks for their gorgeous garden, Aggiemoomoo for their stylish gazebo garden, and acoolaunt for their fabulous sunny garden. Great designs, all of you! I’m so honored to have won this, the competition was mighty!

    • MidnightLuna says:

      Congratulations! I really loved your room! I may have to copy it! ;)

      • Beaglehounds says:

        Thank you, MidnightLuna! The Spring Celebration prizes this year practically begged me to design the room! I was so excited to discover that the flooring from the Undersea theme in the wshop matches the Fresh Water Stream Tiles so well. Also, zoomypuss sends you this message. When she gets a new pet & her account is back on Regular member status, she’ll be sending you a friend request. Thanks again and have a great weekend!

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        Oops, that was me above collecting stuff on my son’s account. Forget to log out & back in as myself!

    • kittymade10 says:

      Your room is like one of my favorites! So creative, cool (or should I say kewl) imaginative, and just plain amazing. I love this flooring! Whats its name?

    • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

      Congratulations Emerald! I really loved your room! I have a question, in your Ugly Duckling room, what is that pond called by your bench? It’s really pretty! What’s your username on Webkinz? I’m 09xStarlightx09. I was going to enter this, but then I didn’t get to submit it in time. I really liked how you used blue flooring to represent water.

      • ilovemoonie says:

        Congratulations, 1Emerald1! :D Your room was amazing, and very creative! :)

      • ferretfuzzbut says:

        That pond is from the countryside cottage theme at the estore. I have it too and I LOVE it (though it didn’t go with my design haha). 1 Emerald1 I must say that I saw your design in the share center and knew it HAD to win, it is gorgeous! Congratulations!! And thank you to the creative team for picking my humble little design as a runner up! (check in the share center for the “after you go to the mud park” rain puddle room) ;) Congrats to all of my fellow runners-up. They are all beautiful designs!

        • 1Emerald1 says:

          Ferretfuzzbut, thank you so much for that. I think the competition was very tough this round and am so thrilled to have won. I adore your mud puddle garden! Your pets are having SO much fun! Now my pets are bugging me to make a muddy garden! Enjoy your prizes!

        • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

          Thanks, ferretfuzzbut! I want to get one soon. Oh and Emerald, i LOVE your username!

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        Hi MyLittlepony, it looks like ferretfuzzbut has answered your question. That pond is the one estore item in the room.

    • zoomycat says:

      OMG I finally got on to take a look at this. CONGRATULATIONS MOM!!!!! You did it again! This garden design is perfect! So proud!

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