Spring Room Design Winners!

We had so many wonderful room designs submitted to the Share Center and it was very difficult to choose, but we are pleased to announce our winner was 1Emerald1 with her “The Ugly Duckling” submission!

Here we have the Ugly Duckling, hiding in the water weeds, unaware that he’ll soon transform into one of the world’s most beautiful birds.This year’s Spring Celebration prizes were perfect for this room. The Ugly Duckling’s Pond

Congratulations, 1Emerald1, we’ll be in touch soon with your Spring Yard Bundle prize!   But let’s not forget out runners up! In no particular order:

A traditional Japanese Cherry Blossom festival is being hosted right in the middle of Kinzville this spring! -m4nticores


A little grassy hideaway overlooking kinzville – kittykilljoy


A fun spring picnic with egg decorating, baseball, and hot air balloon rides – huggablehoneys4ever


Springtime in the Badger Village – grandpascutie


moorland garden – golubm


April showers bring…mud puddles! What’s better than spending hte day in the mud – even mom gets in on the fun! – ferretfuzzbut


Time to enjoy beautiful spring weather with your friends from Webkinz World. – animalmomkls


I love sitting outside in my backyard gazebo garden on a sunny spring day. – Aggiemoomoo


After a long winter, the kinz get out into the spring sunshine. – acoolaunt

Congratulations, runnersup! We’ll be in touch with your Blossoming Tree & Carriage Duo prizes.

70 Responses to Spring Room Design Winners!

  1. golubm says:

    Congrats everyone!!!! I’m so happy I’m runnerup :). Also congrats for everyone who entered. Even if you didn’t won this time, remember that is very important you tried and you did your best, you were creative and you cared about. This experience made you better. I know some of you are sad and you needed this.

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      Congrats to you as well, golubm, for being a runner up. Your moorland garden is so lovely, it reminds me of places I’ve been in Great Britain. I love all the details. Great job!

      • golubm says:

        IThank you. It wasn’t pure imagination for me either. There’s a place like this not far from my grandparents house. I love summer walks there :)

  2. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Congratulations on your grand prize winning design, 1Emerald1! It’s gorgeous, enjoy your Spring Yard Bundle! Congratulations also to m4nticores, kittykilljoy, grandpascutie, golubm, ferretfuzzbut, animalmomkls, Aggiemoomoo and acoolaunt! Special congratulations to Pinky ♥ Each design is beautiful, enjoy your Blossoming Tree & Carriage Duo :o)

  3. alsameja says:

    All these rooms are gorgeous! Congrats to Emerald and to all the runnersup, thanks for sharing your beautiful rooms. Enjoy your prizes!

  4. Elessar says:

    Congrats to all – your designs were all beautiful!! :-))

  5. bubbashuka says:

    Darn, I wish I won. :( But congrats to who did! My 3 favorites: the ugly duckling, kittykilljoy’s, and aggiemoomoo’s. :) Awesome!

  6. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Congratulations to 1Emerald1, ferretfuzzbut, huggablehoneys4ever (nice to see some familiar faces that won!), Aggiemoomoo, kittykilljoy, m4nticores, grandpascutie, animalmonks, golubm, and acoolaunt! Hope you all enjoy your prizes! (And awesome rooms, by the way!!) :)

  7. MidnightFireflies17 says:

    I love all the rooms but Emeralds has to be my favorite! It is so cute and creative I love it! Great Job! :)

  8. Spiderhulkman says:

    Beautiful designs one and all. Congrats!

  9. Aggiemoomoo says:

    Wow!! What a wonderful surprise and such an honor to be picked as a runner up. Everyone did such an outstanding job. I want to thank all the voters and congratulations to the winners, with a special congratulations to 1Emerald1. The rooms are so creative, I wish I was a Webkinz and could visit them all! ;D

    • 1Emerald1 says:

      Congratulations, Aggiemoomoo! I don’t think your room is humble at all. It’s a well thought out, nicely balanced design with fun stories going on in every area! Have fun with your prizes!

      • Aggiemoomoo says:

        Oh, thank you Emerald. That is so sweet of you. I loved your ugly duckling room because not only is it a beautiful design, it brings the promise of hope, and beauty, just like spring does. Enjoy!

        • 1Emerald1 says:

          Thanks, Agiemoomoo, that’s a beautiful thought. And I just realized that you weren’t the one who referred to your own design as “humble”. (theirs wasn’t “humble” either). Any way, thank you for your lovely comment & again, I love your gazebo garden!

  10. kittykilljoy says:

    I cant believe i got a runner up place! Im so happy I made it on the list! Congratulations on the grand prize 1Emerald1! Your room design is so beautiful!

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