Springer Spaniel Retires!

ATTENTION ALL SPRINGER SPANIEL OWNERS: Your pet is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more plush versions of this pet will EVER be made, making it a collector’s item! If you own this Webkinz pet, visit the Today’s Activities section on Webkinz THIS weekend to play a mini game on Saturday (June 21st) and press the Big Button of KinzCash on Sunday (June 22nd)! Show off your retired Webkinz in the Kinzville Park, Adventure Park and the Clubhouse and prove you are a proud pet owner!



Has one of your pets ever retired? Have you ever won a prize counting sailboats? Leave your comments below…

61 Responses to Springer Spaniel Retires!

  1. otisbulldogmiddleton says:

    OMG! I have the Springer Spaniel too.

  2. hannahpo03 says:

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i really really want this pet.

  3. zebras says:

    Genelle and Mike, I have a question. Why do you you keep retiring pets?? I have an adorable pretty panda that retired (I missed counting sailboats but still got a pretty city dress) Because I have seen some of the ones who are retiring and really wishing I could buy them.

    • Matt WebkinzFriends says:

      When we announce a retiring pet, the reality is that the pet has been retired (not sold in stores) for quite some time. The reason for that is that they’re the pets that are not as popular so Ganz stopped manufacturing of them.

  4. gagamurph says:

    Dear Ganz I have had almost all of the retired pets on one account or another and I have only 2 clothing items. Please increase the prizes. We can win kinzcash in so many other ways. Thanks for listening

  5. shananski says:

    Happy that others are enjoying their Springer, as I am, as well as our live Springers! Please do something other than count sailboats, I am always one or two off…

    • Becky71W says:

      FYI even if you count the correct number of sail boats does NOT mean you will win a piece of the clothing. I have won a piece of clothing without the correct number and times that I did get the correct number and I didn’t get anything but a few kinz cash.

  6. LittleRaini says:

    Ughh I wish I had bought a Springer Spaniel, one of the best looking Webkinz. :(

  7. abbyred4439 says:

    i have a pretty panda and i didn’t get to do the little game could you guys maybe make one webkinz day where any one that has a retired pet could be on and they will get like a week member ship or like when you updated webkinz where the retired pet owners get kinz cash or g coins or they can buy member items

  8. littlemeowcatz says:

    it’s off topic but… where is the regular cooler, you know, to just simply but food in? the nm one? i cant find it

  9. srstein11 says:

    WHY, WHY, WHY, } :|

  10. srstein11 says:

    whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :|

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