St Patrick’s Day Prize Gallery!


Take a look at all of the grand prizes from previous years, including a look at this year’s prize!





Visit the Clubhouse to chase the Leprechaun! When you find him, click on him to collect 1 of 6 delicious Jelly Coins! Collect all 6 Jelly Coins by St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th, and you’ll win this year’s grand prize—a Lucky Go Kart!


How many of these grand prizes have YOU won? Let us know in the comments below!


84 Responses to St Patrick’s Day Prize Gallery!

  1. Fred04 says:

    Have them all and just got the go cart. Thanks Ganz. LOVE the window the best.

  2. Chocolate55 says:

    i dont have any! i never went on webkinz on the holidays for some reason! lol

  3. izzyblue says:

    I have all of them, but the statue does not show up anywhere. I think it is in an outdoor storage room.

  4. natalie13 says:

    I love 2015 the best, and I missed 2012?

  5. jacquiekinz says:

    I really love this years prize. I should be able to get it on one account today. My daughter and I have 7 accounts we look after. I am hoping to finish our collections on all the accounts before the 17th.

  6. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    I have all of them 2011 and up! Well, almost all of them. I don’t have that cool statue.. =P Fortunately I don’t like this prize as much as some of the others, because I don’t think I’ll be able to get this year’s prize. Cool collection gallery though!

  7. FennecFox says:

    I LOVE these prizes! I have last year’s window… and i hope i get this years prize! :D

  8. ilovemoonie says:

    Cool! I love all these prizes! I actually don’t think I have any of them…but hopefully I’ll be able to get this years! I think my favorite prizes are the ones from 2010 and 2012. :)

  9. Froggit612 says:

    I have 2013, 2014 and 2015. It was my sister’s account before that I think so I don’t know if she got them but I haven’t seen them in any rooms but I haven’t visited every room either.

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cool! I know that I have the window and the statue….. But I’m not sure if I have any of the others… I think I might have 2013′s prize, but I’m not sure…. Hehe… I guess it’s time to check my dock again… Oh, and great news! I’m getting close to getting the lucky go kart! On one account, I have the red, orange, yellow, and green coins, and on my other, I have the red, orange, and yellow coins :)

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      That’s great! I haven’t been able to find the leprechaun at all. =/ I can’t get on the computer long/wait long, so I usually just go in a room for like three minutes then leave. I don’t think I’ll be getting the prize this year..

      • FennecFox says:

        Aww… yeah, emi, the leprechaun is really sneaky. I usually just sit in the trading room and put my speakers up so i can hear the leprechaun. :P

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Aw, I’m sorry to hear that, emi! :( Yeah, that leprechaun is so hard to find! One day I waited about a half an hour for him to come :/ Luckily, I’ve had some luck with finding him. Two times he appeared almost instantly. The other times… Heheh…. Those took a while. I normally wait in one room with both of my accounts there so I can collect the coins for both of the them when he comes. It has worked good so far considering I don’t have to search separately on both. Hehe, that was a little off topic. Well, anyhow, I hope you’re able to find the leprechaun, emi!

      • doingmydailies says:

        That leprechaun is so hard to find!!! What I do, is I go to the Clubhouse and I stay in one room. Then I go online and look at other things while I wait for the leprechaun to pop out and scare me and say “Oh, you found me!” XD It still takes a long time but I hope this helps you emi!

    • FennecFox says:

      Cool, TaffyKitty! I have the window from last year… but thats it :)

    • FennecFox says:

      Taffy that’s awesome that you have so many jellycoins! I think i have the red, yellow, orange, and green ones :)

    • RosyFox says:

      That’s awesome, Taffy! You have so many prizes! I have…none, but I think I had the Emerald Treasure Chest and traded it. I like this year’s prize; I think I’ll try to get it. And, don’t feel like you’re in the dark, emi, because I’m having some trouble finding him, too. He is one sneaky critter! Like Taffy and Fennec said, you basically have to sit in a clubhouse room with your speakers up while you browse other sites, though it sounds boring. It works; you just have a be patient. (I know, sometimes I can’t stand being patient, either, but most of the time, patience leads to success.) ^-^

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